Voluntary lockdowns measures fail to control of COVID-19: Junta offers no supports
July 30, 2021
HRUFOM: As the third wave of COVID-19 hits communities across the country, members of local emergency teams are urging anyone who was in contact with a Covid-19 patient to self-quarantine.
“If a positive patient is found, those who have contact with him/her must take protective measures themselves. They have to arrange food for themselves. If they have relatives, (they can assist, but must avoid close contact and wear PPE),” said a local resident from Thanbyuzayat who has been in quarantine due to contact with a positive patient.
Read moreCOVID-19 patients resort to questionable home treatments and prices of immune supplements rise
July 28, 2021
HURFOM: Increasing case counts from the third wave of COVID-19 has meant that public hospitals are unable to accept all COVID-19 patients. An increasing number of persons are taking home treatments and immune supplements. The price for these products has risen sharply, and in many cases are either out of stock or limited.
However, the Mayo Clinic based in the US, and other respected medical sources have pointed out that supplements like vitamin C, zinc, green tea or echinacea which are thought to boost the immune system are unlikely to prevent you from getting sick from Covid-19.
Read morePublic health system collapses: public helpless in fight with Covid-19
July 27, 2021

HURFOM: The public health system of Mon State has collapsed during the third wave of COVID-19. High infection rates and deaths have left the public helpless in the fight against the pandemic.
In response to the coup, health workers have left their workplaces, and public hospitals do not have enough beds to accept COVID-19 patients. Private clinics have also closed due to the large number of cases.
Read moreWeekly Update in HURFOM Targeted Areas (19-25 July, 2021)
July 26, 2021
HURFOM, Mawlamyine: Flooding, particularly in Mon State, has compromised relief efforts, as have ongoing movement restrictions by the junta amid an increase in #COVID19 cases.

Our analysis in full:
Since the first week of July, the situation of COVID-19 has been declining rapidly in HURFOM targeted areas with a surging number of patients and deaths per week. Under such conditions, there is an urgent need to immediately provide oxygen concentrators and generators for the necessary treatment of emergency patients. However, the junta’s health system has completely broken down. In Karen State, the junta’s Ministry of Border Affairs confiscated approximately 150 oxygen cylinders imported by the Karen State members of volunteer ambulance crews on July 23. They are not only failing to act in line with the needs of the people, they are actively derailing any attempts to save lives.
Network members from Bago also reported that Burma Army soldiers from the LID 77, based in Bago, confiscated portable oxygen tanks from the private shops around the city and transferred them to the Light Infantry Division’s compound.
Meanwhile, arbitrary arrests and unlawful detainment are ongoing. Young people remain the primary target, even as COVID-19 cases rise. Movement restrictions and financial extortion continue to be committed by junta security troops in most of HURFOM’s target areas. Local inhabitants have to pay between 1000 to 2500 Myanmar Kyat to return to their native home. The terrorist military administrators, soldiers, and police are making huge incomes from these violations, according to local residents.
The Human Rights Foundation of Monland Expresses Concern Over Junta’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in latest briefing paper, “Running Out of Air”
July 22, 2021
HURFOM, Mawlamyine: A new briefing paper by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM), “Running Out of Air: How the Junta in Burma is Abandoning Civilians in the COVID-19 Pandemic,” finds that the Burma Army is ill-equipped to handle the response to COVID-19. Since the military seized power in a coup on 1 February, the lives of civilians have been under constant attack. Hundreds have been killed by state-sponsored forces and thousands remain imprisoned for their role in pro-democracy activities, include health care providers. With multiple crises unfolding nationwide, the junta’s poor handling of the pandemic threatens to only worsen the already dire situation in the country. (Download in Eng)
Read moreWeekly update in HURFOM targeted areas (12 July – 18 July)
July 19, 2021
HURFOM, Mawlamyine: COVID19 is being used as a weapon by the junta, and the people are paying the price. Daily deaths are rate rising in HURFOM areas + nationwide.

Villagers fearful as Administrator and militia conduct night checks
July 16, 2021
HURFOM: In Hnee Padaw village, Mudon Township, Mon State, the junta-appointed village Administrator and members of the local militia group are forcefully entering houses claiming to be conducting ‘night checks’.
“With the curfew in place, the village has no movement and is in silence after 8 pm. But they (the Administrator and militia) are busy checking houses. They hit the wall of the house to make the owner open the door. We have never experienced this before and they didn’t inform us in advance so we’re frightened. Also we felt angry,” said one local villager.
Read moreSome junta’s administrators extorting money from residents under ‘Stay at Home Orders”
July 15, 2021
HURFOM: On July 7, 2021, the junta controlled Ministry of Health and Sport, declared that Thaton, Mawlamyine and Thanbyuzayat Townships of Mon State are under a “Stay at Home” order.
Soon after the declaration, on July 9, the junta-led authorities warned people in these townships that if they wanted to go outside, they must have a permit, also referred to as a “going outside ticket”. Individuals caught without such a permit would be punished in accordance with the existing laws.
Read moreJunta’s MOHS not providing COVID-19 testing even in high risk townships
July 13, 2021
HURFOM: As of July 11, 2021, there have been more than 2,600 CVOID-19 cases and 80 deaths in Mon State.
Mawlamyine and Thanbyuzayat Townships have the highest rate of infections. Meanwhile, the junta-controlled Ministry of Health and Sport (MOHS) has failed to open COVID-19 diagnostic centers in those townships.
“Mawlamyine and Thanbyuzayat have the most patients. But there is no diagnostic center from the junta. People come and go as usual. We have to control things ourselves. The junta’s MOHS has only released statements but is not taking any protective measures,” said a member of a rescue team active in Mawlamyine and Thanbyuzayat.
Mawlamyine has many COVID-19 patients and the General Hospital can not accept patients from other townships.
Read moreWeekly update on the situation in Karen State, Mon State, and Dawei (5 July – 11 July)
July 12, 2021
HURFOM, Mawlamyine
The human rights crisis in Burma is being compounded by the increasingly dire public health crisis as COVID-19 infects hundreds daily.

HURFOM Weekly Analysis: The junta has shown no concern for the safety of those at risk, including the hundreds of thousands displaced. Rather, authorities are forcing local inhabitants to register for COVID-19 travel permission with high fees. They are extorting the public and making ‘millions’ in some areas of Mon and Karen State.
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