Weekly update in HURFOM targeted areas (12 July – 18 July)
July 19, 2021
HURFOM, Mawlamyine: COVID19 is being used as a weapon by the junta, and the people are paying the price. Daily deaths are rate rising in HURFOM areas + nationwide.

Our analysis in full below:
COVID-19 has become a daily threat to people in Burma. In Mon State and Tanintharyi Region, the death tolls are increasing. Local General Administrative Departments and Battalions are trying to restrict and close private oxygen generations. Residents have expressed fear and frustration that the lack of oxygen and movement restrictions are killing them. Many medical experts agree that that the junta has poorly managed the health crisis as systems break down in HURFOM affected areas.
To meet the gaps of the military’s failures in meeting the needs of the people, ‘We care we share’ activities started this week in Hpa-An and cities in Mon State. “We try to offer food and water for the families infected with COVID-19 and those facing difficulties to go out. We could even help to provide some O2 tents for those most in need” said a volunteer social worker.
Activists also continue to be targeted. A key member of the Youth Affairs Committee (YAC), Ko Myo Min Oo, and four of his colleagues were abducted this week in Thayet Chaung, Dawei, according to YAC members: “All four were detained in the LIB #404. The Township military authorities came and took Myo Min Oo, Aung Myo Thet, Aye Aye Mon, and Pyay Son Oo to ask questions, but they were not released,” confirmed a YAC member. Ko Myo Min Oo, one of the four detainees arbitrarily arrested is also a disability activist. He was leading a Committee of Youth Policy in Tanintharyi Region areas. According to his family, he used to receive many threatening letters from unknown pro-coup groups.
Of those arrested, five were from Dawei, two from Hpa-An, and one from Mon State. There were five detained, and two injured from Hpa-An who were beaten during arrests.
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