Two farm workers killed, 4 injured in  artillery attack in Kyaik Hto

March 30, 2023

HURFOM: On March 27, 2023, two farm workers from Mae Yone Lay village, Kyaik Hto Township, Mon State were killed by another military junta  artillery attack.

Artillery shells shot by the military’s base at the Ma Yan Chaung Inspection Gate,  exploded in a farm killing two workers, and injuring four others.

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Junta’s soldiers killed two villagers in Pu Law attack

March 30, 2023

HURFOM: Military junta’s soldiers launched an attack on  Pu Law Township, Tenasserim Division on March 25, 2023.  During their assault, they shot and killed two villagers. 

The victims were U Tin Oo, a 56-year-old resident of Pu Law Gone village,  and Ko Myo Min Thua, a 34-year-old  from Nut Eain Taung village.

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Gas stations in Mon State stop sales of gasoline due supply shortages

March 29, 2023

HURFOM: Gas stations in Mon State have not been able to secure an adequate quota of gasoline for their operations. Because buying gasoline from the black market is too costly, some gas stations have decided to stop selling gasoline.

I don’t know how the MPTA (Myanmar Petroleum Trade Association) manages (the distribution of gasoline). We don’t have enough attainment quota so there is not enough gasoline for sale. It is very expensive to get gasoline from the outside (black) market. It isn’t profitable to do so. That’s why most small gasoline stations have opted to stop their sales operations,” said a gas station owner.

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60 houses destroyed,  6,000 flee due to major armed clash in Jone Doe

March 29, 2023

HURFOM: On March 25, 2023, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and joint forces launched an attack on the military junta’s battalions, the police station and the Border Guard Forces (BGF) based in Jone Doe Town, Kaw Ka Rate Township, Karen State.

60 houses were destroyed and about 6,000 residents were forced to flee due to the armed clashes.

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Civil society groups must be involved in Mon Language teaching pilot

March 28, 2023

HURFOM: The New Mon State Party (NMSP) has signed an agreement with the military council for a pilot project called “Teaching Mon Language in Government Schools”.  The initiative will take place in Chaung Zone, Mudon and Thanbyuzayat Townships, in Mon State in the 2023-24 academic year.

The General Secretary of the Mon Literature and Culture Committee, Nai Mon Raja, said the Ministry of Education was not capable of implementing the project alone, so civil society groups such as the Mon Literature and Culture Committee are needed. 

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Soldiers shot and killed plantation worker and severely injure another in Ye

March 28, 2023

HURFOM: About 6 pm on March 23, 2023, two plantation workers returning from their plantation by motorbike were shot by the Burmese soldiers of the 61st  Light Infantry Battalion (LIB 61). One plantation worker died at the scene and the other sustained  serious injuries, according to local sources.

The soldiers ordered them to stop their bike but they didn’t. Then, the soldiers shot them. They were riding a motorbike after 6 pm and there were two men on the bike, (in violation of the curfew and martial law declarations). So the soldiers thought they were members of PDF (People Defense Forces) and shot them,said a Ye resident.

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Junta puts more restrictions on applicants filing visitor reports in Mawlamyine

March 27, 2023

HURFOM: In June 2022, the military junta instructed the General Administration Department to regularly collect and inspect “visitor reports” in Mawlamyine, the capital of the Mon State.  These reports record personnel data on individuals visiting a household.

Previously such reports could be filed on behalf of an applicant but  since June 2022 applicants must now file their “visitor report” directly with the Administration office in person and they must show their authentic ID card at the same time.

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Military junta burns down 96 houses and kills villagers in Long Lone Township

March 27, 2023

HURFOM: At about noon on March 21, 2023, Burmese soldiers entered Nyaw Pyin and Out Kyauk Wutt villages, Long Lone Township, in Tenasserim Division and burnt down houses. Then they shot and killed a villager, local sources told HURFOM.

The soldiers came to the villages by boats and destroyed and burnt down 96 houses. 40 houses were completely burnt to ashes, according to a villager from Nyaw Pyin.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region

March 27, 2023

Fourth Week of March 2023

HURFOM: Indiscriminate firing continues to target civilians. Over the last week, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) documented several incidents where innocent people were targeted by the junta and killed. A trajectory of violence, particularly in the Tanintharyi region, has caused widespread fear and uncertainty among local people.

On 21 March 2023, over 130 homes were burned to the ground in Long Lon Township, Dawei and six people were shot and killed after being taken into military custody by LIB 407 and 273 on 4 March 2023. Days later, the HURFOM reporters network confirmed that an innocent local villager was shot and killed in Long Lon Township.  Joint troops of the junta’s battalions then burned down more than a hundred houses in two villages. Yet again, on 21 March 2023, residents said a male villager was shot dead in Yange’ village, Thayet-Chaung Township, Dawei, around 6:00 PM. The victim, U Htun Wai was over 60 years old, and was fired at by four unknown gunmen on two motorcycles.

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Military junta intentionally attacks villages in KNLA controlled area

March 23, 2023

HURFOM: Local sources told HURFOM that the military junta has intentionally and repeatedly attacked and killed innocent villagers in the controlled area of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA).  

Even though there has been no armed clashes, between the KNLA the junta has launched artillery attacks on the villages and killed innocent civilians including children.

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