Junta’s artillery attack kills a novice in Kyike Hto

July 4, 2024

HURFOM: On June 29th, 2024, the 310th regiment battalion based in Thane Za Yet launched eight indiscriminate artillery attacks on Yay Kyaw village, which is located in Thane Za Yet Town, Kyike Hto Township, Mon State.  The attacks killed a novice and severely injured a local woman.

Debris from the artillery strikes hit a 10-year-old novice from “Dhamma Du Ta” monastery who died as a result of his injuries. 

The woman who was helping at the monastery also sustained a serious injury. Now, the junta has forced the monks to move out from the monastery,” said a local source.

Locals reported that the injured woman died on July 2nd while receiving treatment but HURFOM is unable to confirm this report.

In the month of June, 2024, indiscriminate attacks which took place at the hands of the 310th artillery regiment also killed two villagers and injured nine other residents.


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