Plantation owner kidnapped by unknown armed group in Lamine

April 19, 2023

HURFOM: At approximately 10 am on April 17, 2023, a 40-year-old resident from Gone Paw Yaw Thit village, Lamine Sub-township, Ye Township, in Mon State was kidnapped by an unknown armed group. The victim is the owner of a plantation.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region

April 17, 2023

HURFOM | Week Two

Despite the annual traditional Thingyan celebrations, typically when the people of Burma participate in various New Year activities and ceremonies, the junta has once again given no reason to celebrate. The brutal presence of the military junta has quieted all plans, and boycotts have seen empty streets where barricades are placed. The violence by the Burma Army continues to escalate. During the last week in Mon State, Karen State and the Tanintharyi region, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland reported on more volatile crimes committed with impunity. Women, children, and the elderly, in particular, were targeted. The situation is dire and requires an immediate response.

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Two villagers shot and injured on Ye – Thanbyuzayat Highway Road

April 16, 2023

HURFOM: At approximately 11 am on April 10, 2023, two villagers were shot and injured on the Ye – Thanbyuzayat Highway Road near Lane Maw Chan village, in Ye Township, Mon Sate.

The victims were shot while traveling in a vehicle when they were returning home from Three Pagoda Pass.

The bullet penetrated the waist of the man while the woman sustained a bullet wound to her leg. Both victims were sent to Ye General Hospital for further treatment.

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Three plantation workers shot and killed in Southern Ye

April 11, 2023

HURFOM: On April 5, 2023, three plantation workers from R Yu Taung village, Southern Ye Township, Mon State were shot and killed at their plantation, a local source told HURFOM.

Firstly, he went alone to his plantation. He brought a hand-made gun (which is used to shoot wild animals) with him. Holding a hand-made gun for protection from wild animals is a tradition in our village. I don’t know if he was shot and killed due to holding a hand-made gun. (After he was shot and killed) another two men came to his plantation and they both were shot and killed also. There were three casualties,” said a villager from R Yu Taung village.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region

April 10, 2023

HURFOM | April Week One

Despite the annual New Year festivities celebrating ‘Thingyan,’ the military forces of the Burma Army have not hesitated to continue their crackdown on civilians as they continue to target alleged opposition forces. Martial Law, in particular, has been imposed in several townships where the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) is documenting rights abuses. After the junta’s martial law imposition in southern Mon State, the number of people killed and wounded by gunshots has increased in the areas between Ye Township Mon and Yebyu, of Tanintharyi Region. Injuries and death rates are also rising as punishment for violating them.

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Military junta launches daily artillery attacks on villages in Bee Lin and Thaton

April 7, 2023

HURFOM: Since January 2023, even though there has been no armed clashes, the military junta has been launching artillery attacks on a daily basis, targeting villages in Bee Lin and Thaton Township.   These communities are under the  control of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the Karen National Union (KNU).

In March, 2023, at least ten innocent villagers were killed,  while another 20 were injured by these artillery attacks.

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Civilians injured and killed, 3 days in row along Ye – Thanbyuzayat Highway Road

April 6, 2023

HURFOM: According to local reports and data collected by HURFOM, innocent civilians have been injured and killed, due to military battles for three days in a row.

From April 1st  to the 3rd, 2023 armed clashes have taken place along the Ye – Thanbyuzayat Highway Road between Aung Thar Yar and Ka Nin Ka Maw village, Ye Township, in Mon State.

On April 1, a 40-year-old couple from Lamine Town traveled to  Mawlamyine in their car for a medical appointment. They were shot at and both were injured.

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Man killed  on  Ye – Thanbyuzayat Highway Road after being shot multiple times

April 5, 2023

HURFOM: About 3:30 pm on April 2, 2023, a man was shot and died on the  Ye – Thanbyuzayat Highway Road between Aung Thar Yar and Ka Nin Ka Maw villages, Ye Township, Mon State.

The deceased man was  47-year-old U Myint Nine,  who lived in Gone Paw Yaw Thit village.  He was shot 13 times.

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Couple shot and injured while traveling on Ye – Thanbyuzayat Road

April 5, 2023

HURFOM: At about 6:30 am on April 1, 2023, a couple traveling by car  to Mawlamyine were shot and injured by Burmese soldiers on the Ye – Thanbyuzayat Road. The shooting occurred  between the Bay Lamine and Aye Kabar villages, in Ye Township, Mon State.  

When going to pick up the patients, we’d heard that they (encountered an armed clash between the military junta and the People’s Defense Force and). They were caught in a crossfire between the two sides. Their car was hit by bullets about 20 times. We sent them to the Mawlamyine General Hospital,” said an official from the Lamine Rescue Team.

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Monthly Overview: The Military Junta Continues to Use Gendered Violence as a Tool to Suppress Dissent and Exploit Fear into Young Women and Children

April 3, 2023

Human Rights Foundation of Monland 

International Women’s Day was recognized on 8 March. In Burma, women face ongoing threats to their lives as the Burma Army increases its armed presence in civilian areas. While women human rights defenders were bravely spreading awareness and solidarity about the importance of 8 March, the regime continued to oppress women violently. Many of those detained this month are women and young girls who have been abducted on baseless charges. Following a series of arrests on 7 March that included women, all were accused of supporting the armed resistance movement: “Everyone knows that they are innocent,” said a local villager. 

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