3,000 residents from Dawei District flee from their homes

July 1, 2024

HURFOM: Since June 19th, 2024, more than 3,000 residents from nine villages have had to flee their homes due to constant and indiscriminate artillery attacks by the Mawrawaddy Navy Command, as well as air assaults and junta operations.

The nine villages were under the control of the Dawei District New Mon State Party in Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division

Local sources reported to HURFOM that 3,668 residents from Ma Rot Chai, Pa Nan Pone, Hlell Gate, Tan Chaung, Myauk Chaw, Nagar Nine, Kyaung Dane, Karone Pine and Mate Zate villages have fled their homes

They ran away to “Weng Ha Ri” on the Thai-Burma border. Today (June 26th), they have moved to Halog Hane village which is under the control of the Mawlamyine District NMSP,” said a local source.

However, Halog Hane village can only accommodate 200 displaced persons.  Others are now taking shelter at nearby monasteries, or in the forest and mountains and on plantations.

The military junta has threatened and beaten displaced persons in the monasteries and arrested five residents from Ma Rot Chai village.

We had to walk for five days and four nights to reach the Thai-Burma border. As we prepared nothing in advance, we’ve faced many difficulties, and now it is the rainy season. About 50 residents are still left in the village. The junta didn’t allow them to leave and has locked them in the village,” said a displaced person.

On June 20th, 2024, the military junta burnt down more than 40 houses in Myauk Chaw village.


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