Junta’s artillery attack kills a woman and injures three in Pa La

July 1, 2024

HURFOM: On June 28th, 2024, the Pa La Town police station in Pa La Town, Pu Law Township, Myeik District, Tenasserim Division launched an indiscriminate artillery attack on the town.  Artillery shells exploded at the central market of Pa La Town.

45-year-old Ma San San Yu died on the spot and a man and two other women have sustained injuries.

Pa La police station is responsible for the attack. One person died on the spot. Her body was ripped apart by the explosion,” said a Pa La resident.

The injured victims are receiving treatment at Pu Law Hospital and one woman is in critical condition.

The local people reported to HURFOM that the Pa La police station had continued their attack till noon.


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