Junta Forces Extort Money from Mawlamyine Residents Under False Pretenses

July 25, 2024

HURFOM: Since early July 2024, the junta’s security forces—comprising soldiers, police officers, and local militia members—have intensified their extortion efforts in Mawlamyine, Mon State. They employ various pretexts to extort money from local residents and travelers.

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Junta Forces Abduct Civilians as Human Shields in Kyaik Hto, Mon State

July 24, 2024

HURFOM: At least 10 local villagers have been abducted and used as human shields by military junta troops advancing towards Kyaik Hto Township, Thaton District, which is under the control of KNU Brigade 1, according to local sources.

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Junta Air Assault Kills 20 Civilians and Injures Many in Kyaikmayaw

July 24, 2024

HURFOM: At approximately 10 am on July 19, 2024, the military junta dropped bombs on a village monastery located at the road junction between Nga Pu Inn and Hlaw Sin Gone villages in Kyaikmayaw Township, Mon State. This air assault resulted in the deaths of more than 20 civilians and injured numerous residents.

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Five Political Prisoners Beaten and Held in Solitary Confinement in Kyaikmayaw Prison

July 24, 2024

HURFOM: On June 25, 2024, five political prisoners at Kyaikmayaw Central Prison in Kyaikmayaw Township, Mon State, were brutally beaten by prison authorities and placed in solitary confinement.

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Junta’s Reckless Artillery Attack Kills Civilian in Tha Yet Chaung

July 24, 2024

HURFOM: On July 20, 2024, the military junta launched a reckless artillery attack on Nyaung Zin village, Tha Yet Chaung Township, Tanintharyi Region, resulting in the death of a civilian.

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Junta Troops Burn Down Three Houses in Launglon Township

July 24, 2024

HURFOM: On July 19, 2024, approximately 80 troops from the military junta stationed in Long Lone Town, Tanintharyi, launched a military operation targeting Nyin Maw and Nyin Boat villages. The operation resulted in an armed clash with the People Defense Force at the entrance road to T Zit Beach, near Nyin Boat village.

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Mon schoolteachers face livelihood hardship: Basic salary not cover daily expenses

July 23, 2024

HURFOM: The basic salary of schoolteachers under the Mon National Education Committee (MNEC) was 95,000 MMK. In June, 2024, the salary increased to 150,000 MMK.

However, commodity prices are now so high that even the increased salary is insufficient to cover daily expenses leaving school teachers with livelihood challenges.

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Junta’s troops raid houses and extort money from residents in Long Lone

July 23, 2024

HURFOM: After launching military operations in Tha Byar, Ra Hong Wad and Pan Da Lell villages, Long Lone Township, Tenasserim Division, on July 14, 2024, approximately 80 junta troops reached the Long Lone Town Police Station and scattered their forces across the town.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi Region

July 22, 2024

Increased Surveillance and Privacy Rights are Under Attack

Last week, the junta banned the well-known messaging application Signal. Signal has strong end-to-end encryption that keeps communication completely private. Activists, organizations, and human rights defenders in Burma commonly use it to carry out their activities safely. The Burma Army has tried to censor the flow of information many times in the past to prevent witnesses to the horrors they are committing and, therefore, attempt to shield themselves from consequences. 

Promptly after the attempted coup, the Burma Army moved to ensure access to Facebook was no longer accessible to stop organizing efforts. The terrorist regime has continued to block social networks also to hide the crimes they are violently committing against innocent people. 

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Two workers at wood mill injured by junta’s artillery attack in Thane Za Yet

July 19, 2024

HURFOM: On July 16th, 2024, the military junta launched indiscriminate artillery attacks on
Ward #1, Thane Za Yet Town, Kyike Hto Township, Mon State.  The attack injured two workers at a wood mill.

The 310th artillery regiment was responsible for the attack.  There were no armed clashes in the area.

Due to the artillery explosion, 40-year-old U Zaw Aung and 20-year-old Ko Hein Way Aung sustained injuries to their chests and thighs.

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