Junta’s artillery attack kills a seven-year-old child in Tenasserim

October 21, 2024

HURFOM: On October 9th, 2024, the military junta targeted Ta Mote Chone village, Tenasserim Township, Tenasserim Division with artillery and drone attacks even without having active armed clash in the nearby area and the attacks killed a seven-year-old child and injured at least three villagers.

The artillery shells dropped and exploded on the highway road beside Ta Mote Chone village and mother and son from Kywel Kuu village and a child from Kywel Htein Kwin village sustained injuries.

The artillery attacks were launched without having any armed clash. The seven-year-old child from Kywel Ku village sustained a serious injury. The local emergency and rescue team brought him to the Myeik Hospital but he died on the way,” said a resident.

The mother got injured at her back and the child from Kywel Htein Kwin had a minor injury at his bottom. Both of them are receiving treatment at the Myeik Hospital.

There is no military base or check-point nearby Ta Mote Chone but there has been a frequent armed clash. We don’t know where the artillery attack launched from,” said a local source.

On October 12th, the junta launched indiscriminate artillery attack to Lell Taung Yar village which is nearby Ta Mote Chone village without having any armed clash.

In this region, the junta has routinely targeted one of the villages with artillery attack every day,” said the source.

On October 2nd, the junta launched drone attack to West Maw Tone village, Tenasserim Township and killed a six-year-old child.


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