Junta’s artillery attack kills a woman and injures three in Pa La

July 1, 2024

HURFOM: On June 28th, 2024, the Pa La Town police station in Pa La Town, Pu Law Township, Myeik District, Tenasserim Division launched an indiscriminate artillery attack on the town.  Artillery shells exploded at the central market of Pa La Town.

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3,000 residents from Dawei District flee from their homes

July 1, 2024

HURFOM: Since June 19th, 2024, more than 3,000 residents from nine villages have had to flee their homes due to constant and indiscriminate artillery attacks by the Mawrawaddy Navy Command, as well as air assaults and junta operations.

The nine villages were under the control of the Dawei District New Mon State Party in Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division

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Junta’s artillery attack kills villager and injures two in Kyike Hto

July 1, 2024

HURFOM: On June 25th, 2024, the 310th artillery regiment based in Thane Za Yet, Kyike Hto Township, Mon State had launched an indiscriminate artillery attack that killed a villager and injured two others in Kyike Hto. There were no active armed clashes in the area to provoke the attack.

The artillery explosion killed 20-year-old Ma Hla Ya Min and injured a 35-year-old man and a nine-year-old child.

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June 2024: Monthly Overview of the Human Rights Situation

July 1, 2024

Women and Children Face Ongoing Risks to their Safety and Security Amid Increasing Attacks by the Military Junta

Women & Children Targeted by Junta Attacks

According to the latest Internal Displacement Monitoring Center estimates, nearly 3 million people are displaced across Burma. Local organizations report even higher approximations, including the Committee for Internally Displaced Karen People (CIDKP), whose recent data show over one million people displaced in Karen State alone. These numbers reveal a situation of extreme devastation for local people who have had their lives uprooted by conflict fueled by an illegitimate and corrupt military.

Data collected by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) also reveals distress and uncertainty. As the armed resistance movement increasingly gains more ground, Burma Army soldiers are scaling up attacks that have targeted local populations. Women and children are being killed in their homes, places of worship, hospitals and schools.

At the beginning of the month, an explosion occurred on June 4th at a basic education primary school in the Eain Shwet Pyin ward of Dawei Town. The blast resulted in the death of one third-grade student and injuries to 26 others, according to local sources.

The explosion, believed to have been caused by a bomb, happened around noon during the lunch break. Among the injured were eleven male students and fifteen female students. Tragically, a nine-year-old third-grade boy lost his life.

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Four villagers arrested by junta still not released

June 27, 2024

HURFOM: On June 15th, 2024, four villagers from Phaung Taw village, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division were arrested by the military junta. It has been six days and they have not yet been released.

U Kat Thar and Daw Htay Htay Aung from western Phaung Taw and Daw Way Way and Daw Htwe Mar Win aka Daw Mee Mee who lives in front of the Phaung Taw school were arrested in the morning at their home.

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More than 160 youth across Mon State sent to military training camp

June 27, 2024

HURFOM: On June 23rd, 2024, 165 local young men across Mon State were sent to the 4th Advanced Military Training School in Well Ka Lee village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State as candidates for the third batch of the compulsory military service.

The third batch mostly consists of young men in the age range from 28 to 35. The military training will start on June 25th,” said a local source.

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Entire village flees due to junta’s artillery attack

June 27, 2024

HURFOM: On June 19th, 2024, the military junta targeted Zar D village, Yebyu Township, in Tenasserim Division with indiscriminate artillery attacks, forcing the entire village to flee.

A navy ship based in Yebyu launched artillery attacks despite no armed clashes taking place in the area.  Villagers hid themselves in nearby forest and plantations.

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Basic Education High School Officials in Mawlamyine extort money for new student registration

June 26, 2024

HURFOM: Parents whose students attend number 9 Basic Education High School (BEHS) report that school officials are demanding 100,000 MMK for new student registrations.

The new student needs permission from the headmistress to be registered. The registration fee for new students now costs nearly 100,000 MMK. Also, one family member must be an alumnus of the school. The rich can afford the registration but many parents have decided to register their children in other schools,” said one parent familiar with the new process.

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Junta forces use visitor’s reports as pretense to arrest and extort residents in Ye

June 26, 2024

HURFOM: Since June 14th, 2024, the military and the administrative body of Ye Town, Mon State have been checking “visitor’s reports” in Thiri Nandar and Annawar Wards, Ye Town and have been arresting residents without any reason.

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Junta forces use VPN ban as means to extort money from mobile phone users

June 26, 2024

HURFOM: Junta’s security forces have aggressively been checking mobile phones of pedestrians in Mawlamyine, Mudon, Thanbyuzayat and Ye Townships, Mon State.   They are looking for any VPN applications installed on the phones. If found, they extort as much as 300,000 MMK from the pedestrians.

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