Passengers face extortion along Thai-Burma border roads

June 26, 2024

HURFOM: The military junta and resistance forces have blocked the Three Pagoda Pass – Thanbyuzayat and the Three Pagoda Pass – Kyarinnseikyi Roads which are the main routes to the Thai – Burma border.  From early 2024, most drivers must now use the Da None jungle route.

There have been 10 check-points installed along the route by the military junta, the Karen National Union (KNU), the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) and the People Defense Force (PDF). Each passenger must now pay 10,000 MMK to pass the various check-points. 

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Second “Voice Up” Update: Gendered Human Rights Overview in Southeastern Burma (March-May 2024)

June 26, 2024


This short report is the second in a series of quarterly updates and analyses, which combines data collected from the ground by the Women and Child Rights project of the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM). Before the attempted coup in Burma, we had published similar content in a bulletin-style format under the title, ‘Voice Up.’ 

The Women and Children’s Rights project seeks to monitor the situation of women and children in Mon areas and southern Burma about the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Field staff collect and distribute information and data to our local and international networks. The findings also empower and educate women and children in the Mon community by providing information on their rights according to CEDAW and CRC and encouraging them to participate in the struggle to protect and enforce their fundamental freedoms. 

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HURFOM Releases a Second Update in the  “Voice Up” Series: A Gendered Overview of the Human Rights Situation in Southeastern Burma: March-May 2024

June 26, 2024

For Immediate Release

Today, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) releases the second update in the “Voice Up” series, which provides a gendered overview of the human rights situation in target areas of Southeastern Burma, including Mon State, Karen State, and the Tanintharyi region. The report covers violations against women and children who have been impacted by the junta’s ongoing attacks against civilians between March and May 2024. The first update was published at the beginning of March 2024.

Before the attempted coup in Burma on 1 February 2021, HURFOM had published similar content in a bulletin-style format under the title ‘Voice Up.’ All of the cases documented by HURFOM fieldworkers show the strength of women and children in the wake of great adversity. 

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Female political prisoners beaten after being transferred to new prison

June 25, 2024

HURFOM: On June 15th, 2024, political prisoners from Kyikemayaw Central Prison, Kyikemayaw Township, Mon State were transferred to Dike Oo Prison in Pegu Division. The prisoners were beaten once relocated to the new prison and they have been banned from having contact with their family members.

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Junta burns down 40 houses and arrests 20 villagers in Yebyu

June 25, 2024

HURFOM: On June 19th, 2024, a battle between the military junta and the resistance forces took place in Yar Phu village track, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim which is the area under the control of the New Mon State Party.

On June 20th, the junta responded with artillery and air assaults and burnt down more than 40 houses.

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Junta arrests five residents in Tha Yet Chaung

June 25, 2024

HURFOM: On June 14th, 2024, a military operation took place in Tha Yet Chaung Township, Tenasserim Division resulting in the arrest of five residents from two villages.

On June 8th, 2024, an armed group tried to arrest the Administrator of Eain Shay Pyin village, Tha Yet Chaung Township at his house, but he escaped.

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Artillery explosion injuries four residents including two monks in Kyike Hto

June 25, 2024

HURFOM: On June 21st, 2024, the 310th artillery regiment based in Thane Za Yat, Kyike Hto Township, Mon State launched two 120-mm artillery attacks on Kha Ywelve village. There was no active armed clash and the artillery shells exploded near “Taung Kyaung” monastery and residential houses.

The explosion injured Kha Ywelve Abbot, his fellow monk, 75-year-old U San Tin and 62-year-old Daw San Myint and destroyed three houses.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi Region

June 24, 2024

Political Prisoners Protest Denial of Care and Neglect

Life for the people in Burma continues to be increasingly challenging. However, the junta’s terror tactics have not silenced or deterred the ongoing movement in the country for peace and democracy, including in the target areas of the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM), including Mon State, Karen State, and the Tanintharyi region. Even in the junta-run prisons where thousands of political prisoners remain unjustly detained, they continue to demand their rights and freedoms.

On the evening of June 12th, protests erupted inside Kyaikmayaw Central Prison in Mon State due to the denial of care for an injured prisoner who was ordered to perform welding work on a two-story building during a rainstorm. The inmate was electrocuted, fell, and lost consciousness.

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Family members arrested in Bilin

June 20, 2024

HURFOM: On June 16th, 2024, political activists from Zote Tote village, Bilin Township, Mon State were arrested by the junta, according to local sources.

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Social workers and residents arrested after being accused of supporting PDF

June 20, 2024

HURFOM: On June 13th and 14th, 2024, four social workers who are members of “Kaw Sa Nine” Social and Charity Association in Kaw Sa Nine Ward, Kyike Hto Town, Mon State and other four young residents from the same town were arrested by the junta after being accused of supporting the People’s Defense Forces.

At about 7 pm on June 13th, U Mya Aung was arrested in Kaw Sa Nine Ward. Then, his daughter Ma Chit Su Yadanar and co-workers U Soe Hline and Ko Chan Thar Aung were arrested at their houses.

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