Dead body with gunshot wound found in Tha Yet Chaung

March 28, 2024

HURFOM: On March 24rth, 2024, local residents found a body with a gunshot wound in Nyaung Zin village, Tha Yet Chaung Township, Tenasserim Division.

The body was of a middle-aged woman, and was found in a paddy field behind the railway station in Nyaung Zin village.

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March 27, 2024

Thousands of Kaw Bane residents flee due to growing military tension

HRUFOM: On March 25th, 2024, the joint revolutionary forces attacked and took control of the police station in Kaw Bane village, Kaw Ka Rate Township, Karen State.

The military junta had reinforced their troops to fight against the revolutionary forces and the local villagers reported HURFOM about 100 troops had entered Ta Ra Nar village, Kyikemayaw Township, Mon State and stationed themselves at the village.

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Nearly entire Kaw Bane village flees armed clash:  At least 1 civilians’ casualty and 2 injuries reported

March 26, 2024

HURFOM: On March 24th, 2024, the joint revolutionary forces attacked the Kaw Bane Police Station in Karen State and a heavy battle ensued.

The junta responded with artillery attacks and air assaults, killing and injuring local villagers.

The air assaults damaged the roofs of houses. There have been at least three casualties or injuries but we can’t confirm the exact number as we can’t go outside,” said one resident.

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Junta arrests a local man in Paung Township for use of social media

March 26, 2024

HURFOM: On March 16th, 2024, a local man from Pan Gone village, Paung Township, Mon State was arrested by the junta’s security forces after being accused of sharing the news of the National Unity Government (NUG) and the People’s Defense Force (PDF).

While conducting a “stop and check” near the Zin Kyike Police Station in Paung Township, security forces checked his phone and found that Ko Bo Bo, aka Ko Myo Zaw Aung shared news about the NUG and the PDF on his social media account.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi Region

March 25, 2024

HURFOM, Third Week of March 2024

The devastating impacts of the junta’s unjust Conscription Law cannot be denied. As the Burma Army continues to see widespread losses in previously held territories and bases, alongside an increasing rate of defections, the junta is robbing the youth of their futures by forcing men and women to enlist in the terrorist regime. According to the military junta’s conscription law, military service is mandatory for men aged 18 to 35, women aged 18 to 27, and those who have completed at least two years of service. The first conscription week will begin after the next water festival period and will involve 5,000 people per month across the country. The junta also announced that 60,000 men would be called for military service each year.

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Entire Ah Nin village flees due to constant and indiscriminate artillery attack

March 21, 2024

HURFOM: The Ah Nin Police Station based in Ah Nin village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State launched constant and indiscriminate attacks on the village damaging a home and forcing all the residents to flee from their homes.

Because of rumors of the joint revolutionary forces attacking the Ah Nin Police Station at noon on March 18, 2024 the village was targeted with indiscriminate artillery attacks.

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Junta arrests and charges local man in Mawlamyine

March 21, 2024

HURFOM: On March 18th, 2024, a local man from Mawlamyine, Mon State was arrested by the military junta after being accused of sharing articles from the news agencies whose broadcasting licenses were abolished by the junta.

The junta’s security forces conducted a “stop and check” at the junction of Ah Yar Daw and Taung Paw Streets in Maung Ngan Ward, Mawlamyine when they stopped 24-year-old, Ko Tun Lin. Then, they checked his motorbike and mobile phone.

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No trace of four disappeared villagers in Thanbyuzayat Township

March 21, 2024

HURFOM: On March 6th, 2024, two men from Ka Rope Pi village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State left home to buy cooking items for an “ordination ceremony”. They never returned home.

It has been more than 10 days. They haven’t come back yet. We have no trace of them,” said a Ka Rope Pi resident.

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HURFOM Releases a New Report: “Voice Up” A Gendered Overview of the Human Rights Situation in SE Burma

March 21, 2024

January – March 2024

Today, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) releases “Voice Up,” A Gendered Overview of the Human Rights Situation in Southeastern Burma. The report is the first in a series that will follow, focusing on the situation of women and children in Southeastern Burma throughout the year. Before the attempted coup in Burma, HURFOM had published similar content in a bulletin-style format under the title ‘Voice Up.’

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Junta starts to summon young men from Mu Don village to join military service

March 20, 2024

HURFOM: There are reports that 100 young men from Mon State must be identified for compulsory military service. On March 17th, the village Administrator delivered letters summoning men in the 18 to 35 age range to a gathering titled, ‘meet and discuss.’

The letters were delivered on March 16 in Mu Don. A villager from each ward must be present at “Rajadirit” Hall on March 17. The village no longer has many young people left in their community. Most of them already went abroad,” said a Mu Don resident.

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