KNU Travel ban makes life for locals harder

June 24, 2022

HURFOM: The Karen National Union (KNU) has banned the use of road between Ah Bit, Mudon

Township, Mon State and Kha Lae/Da Gon Die villages, Kyarinnseikyi Township, in Karen State.

The KNU’s Nyein Chan Myine Check-point which is based near the Pu Lane village, Kyarinnseikyi Township, Karen State has imposed the road ban and local villagers report the ban has created many interruptions to their daily activities.

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Military sponsored group kills villagers and destroyed house in Yebyu

June 24, 2022

HURFOM: On June 15, 2022, a military sponsored group known as “the Black Kite Brotherhood” killed two villagers and destroyed a house in A Ka Ni village, Yebyu Township, in Tenasserim Division.

The group arrested Ko Myo Ko and Ko Yan Pine Soe of A Ka Ni village and killed them near the bridge of Watt Chaung village. Then, they abandoned their bodies near the bridge and scattered their group’s logos around the scene, reported  a local resident.

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Ethnic languages must be “major subjects” in government schools to show seriousness, say critics

June 21, 2022

HURFOM: The Mon, Karen and Pa’O languages can be taught in government schools in Mon State but these subjects are defined as “minor subjects”.  This means there is no examination required  to advance to the next grade level.

Members of the Mon Literature and Culture committee are critical of this decision, arguing that ethnic subject matter in the school system should be viewed with more seriousness.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region
Week Three, June 2022

June 20, 2022

HURFOM: Across the last week in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region, civilians were unjustly subjected to more horrors perpetrated by the military junta. The campaign of fear is emboldened by the reality that the Burma Army has never been held accountable for the crimes they commit, which are in blatant disregard of international laws. The people deserve protection, they are entitled to it as it is enshrined in their rights as civilians.

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The Human Rights Foundation of Monland Calls for International Humanitarian Support on Refugee Day;Local Actors Must be Supported on the Ground

June 20, 2022

The Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) is concerned about the deteriorating humanitarian crisis inside Burma. In target areas of Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region, HURFOM has documented nearly 30,000 newly displaced civilians who have had to escape violence. These displaced people are just a fraction of the 1 million people across the country who have been forced to flee their homes. The merciless violence deployed by the military junta has not spared women, children, or the elderly.

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Families from Ah Sin village flee homes due to military activity

June 15, 2022

HURFOM: According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), the military has made at least 1,1034 arrests across Burma from February 1, 2021 to June 13, 2022.

These actions of the military have led many villagers in Ah Sin San Pya village, located in Ye Township, Mon State,  to  flee their homes as the military continues to arrest those it perceives to oppose the coup.

According to a local source, among the many villages in Ye Township, the Ah Sin San Pya village has the highest number of deaths, arrests and disappearances.

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Thieves threaten livelihoods in Mon State

June 14, 2022

HURFOM: Local residents in Mon State are reporting to HURFOM that thieves are more active, with personal property being stolen frequently due to lack of protection from the authorities.

We can’t leave  our motorbikes out like before. If you don’t take good care, your motorbike can be stolen even if it is in front of your house. The thieves are taking motorbikes in broad daylight. Lots of motorbikes have been stolen in our township, said a local from Thanbyuzayat Township.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region
Week Two, June 2022

June 13, 2022

Across HURFOM target areas, cases of abductions and arbitrary arrest continued to rise. The ongoing human rights violations speak to the inhumanity of the Burma Army and their lack of compassion for civilians. Innocent villagers are targeted in a relentless, ongoing campaign of terror. Those who have shown their support and solidarity to pro-democracy campaigns have been deliberately targeted.

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Mon business owners and parents experience discrimination when using the Mon language

June 11, 2022

HURFOM: Mon businesspersons who have named their companies or factories using the  Mon language are experiencing prolonged delays when they seek services from government departments.

Mon businesspersons have told HURFOM that they have had to bribe government officials to get things like business registrations processed.

I’ve named my factory using the Mon language and they (government officials) say the registration can’t be done using a  Mon name. I do not  want to change the factory name, I made attempts at least three times but nothing has changed. However, after bribing the officials with 3 million Kyat, I’ve got my registration with the Mon name,said a Mon businessperson.

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Government schools not operating in mix-control areas due to security concerns

June 11, 2022

HURFOM: Ka Lake Toke, Lake Poke and Min Hla Aye villages of Ye Township, in  Mon State are under the mixed control of the New Mon State Party (NMSP), the Karen National Union (KNU) and the Burmese military.

Due to security concerns in these areas, government schools have not begun the new academic year.  In addition, each of these villages has not been able to open their schools in the past year due to Covid-19 and unsettled politics.

The government (military junta) have always pressured (the village authorities) to open schools but no one can guarantee safety and  security. So the village authorities and community leaders had a meeting and decided not to open schools,said a local source.

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