Mobile phone and Internet network cut off in villages in Kha Lae – Dagon Tie area

June 9, 2022

HURFOM: According to local sources, many villages in the Kha Lae – Dagon Tie area, located in Kyarinnseikyi Township,Karen State have experienced a shutdown of mobile phone and Internet network services since April 23, 2022.

There have been frequent armed clashes between the KNLA (Karen National Liberation Army) and the Burmese military who are based in Dagon Tie Police Station.   The telecommunications network blackout is thought to be related to these ongoing armed clashes.

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Student registration doubles in Mon National High School, as parents walk away from junta controlled education system

June 8, 2022

HURFOM: Parents do not feel secure to let their children join government schools, so they are increasingly registering their children at the Mon National High School in Wang Ha Poe village located in the New Mon State Party (NMSP) controlled area.

The number of high school students in Wang Ha Poe has more than doubled and the school is faced with accommodation problems. 

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Drug abuse in Mon State has risen sharply since the February 2021 coup

June 7, 2022

HURFOM: A widespread failure with the rule of law coupled with a dysfunctional education system is thought to have contributed to 40% of youth in Ye Township, Mon State and Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division to succumb to drug abuse.

My son had finished his first-year university exam but he quit his studies after the coup. He doesn’t go to university now, and does not have a job.   He began to use drugs. He and his three friends were arrested for using drugs at the Kan Pauk Gyi Bridge on May 30, said a mother of a university student from Yebyu Township.

The ready availability of drugs in villages since the coup has been noticeable.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region
Week One June 2022

June 6, 2022

Weekly update on the situation in Karen, Mon & Dawei since the attempted coup:

13+ Arrested
8+ Detained
6+ Injured
3 killed

In May alone, HURFOM reported 52 medical workers were dismissed and 6 activists were sentenced to 2 to 5 years in prison.

Full Analysis:

As the month of May ended, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) released findings which found evidence of a worsening humanitarian crisis with nearly 30,000 newly displaced people across target areas. In addition, extortion, bribery and ransoms demanded by the military junta have continued to wreak economic turmoil. Livelihoods have been stunted by the General’s incompetency. Since 1 February 2021, peace has been denied to millions of civilians across the country as fighting occupies their villages. Many still dare not go home. Some have sought shelter and safety along the Thai-Burma border. However, they have largely been denied and deemed ‘illegal’ by Thai soldiers who refuse to allow them to cross. Humanitarian aid is urgently required to meet the growing needs of the sick, and vulnerable people trying to survive amid devastating circumstances.

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Record high gas and commodities prices threatens livelihoods

June 6, 2022

HURFOM: After more than a year since the military coup, the price of gasoline has reached unprecedented price levels,  and some areas are experiencing shortages.

This situation is creating many challenges for motorbike taxi drivers in cities across Mon State.

Before the coup, a liter of gasoline sold for 440 Kayt.  A year later the price has risen to  2,000 Kyat/liter.

Previously, we could transport customers from Kyaikmayaw to Mawlamyine for just 2,500 Kyat and 3,000-Kyat in gasoline was nearly enough for a day. Now, a liter of gasoline is priced at 2.250 Kyat. We must pay 6,500 Kayt in gas for a Kyaikmayaw-Mawlamyine one way trip, said one motorbike taxi driver.

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Language barriers linked to soldiers beating Thanbyuzayat Township villagers

June 6, 2022

HURFOM: Hnet Pyaw Taw residents can not understand nor speak fluently in Burmese, so there are  difficulties when being asked questions by the Burmese soldiers. During such exchanges the soldiers often beat villagers.

On May 28, 2022, another villager from Hnet Pyaw Taw village, in the Ah Nin village tract, of Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State was beaten by local soldiers.

Recently two trucks filled with Burmese soldiers visited the village Administration office and had a meeting with the Administrator. Villagers have not been informed what was discussed.

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Kha Lae – Dagon Tie residents flee as military fires heavy weapons into villages

June 3, 2022

HURFOM: There has been prolonged fighting between the Burmese military and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) at Kha Lae – Dagon Tie region, Kyarinnseikyi Township, in Karen State,

The Burmese military has been shooting heavy weapons into nearby villages forcing  residents to flee their homes..

On May 29, 2022, a heavy weapon exploded near a house in Nan Tie Tun village and a woman was killed, and a youth was injured. The next day, the military continued their use of heavy weapons.

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Kha Lae – Dagon Tie residents flee as military fires heavy weapons into villages

June 2, 2022

HURFOM: There has been prolonged fighting between the Burmese military and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) at Kha Lae – Dagon Tie region, Kyarinnseikyi Township, in Karen State,

The Burmese military has been shooting heavy weapons into nearby villages forcing  residents to flee their homes..

On May 29, 2022, a heavy weapon exploded near a house in Nan Tie Tun village and a woman was killed, and a youth was injured. The next day, the military continued their use of heavy weapons.

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Heavy weapon explodes in a house: Husband and wife injured

June 1, 2022

HURFOM: At approximately 12 pm on May 30, 2022, a heavy weapon shot by the local military base exploded in a house in Kyaung Yaw village, Ye Township, in Mon State.

The home owners, a husband and wife, were injured and received treatment at a local public hospital.

“As far as I know, an armed group (Local People Defense Force) dropped three bombs into the military base with drone. One of the bombs exploded in the base. In response, the military fired their heavy weapons, which hit the house. The husband and wife were injured,” said a local source.

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Parents register their children for the upcoming academic year, but worry about their safety

May 31, 2022

HURFOM: The military junta announced that the Basic Education registration for the 2022-23 academic year must start on May 26, 2022 and schools will open across Burma on June 2, 2022.

Although parents in Ye have registered their children for the new academic year, they are worried about sending them to school.

Soldiers have used schools as military bases, making them unsafe. In addiion there have been armed clashes across the country, and bomb explosions which have resulted in many deaths in both urban and rural areas.

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