Weekly Update in HURFOM Targeted Areas (October: Week Three)
October 25, 2021
A weekly update by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) on the situation on the ground. Summary data includes Mon State, Karen State and Dawei District.
Read moreUnclear if students attending Mon National Schools will be part of military council vaccination plan
October 22, 2021
HURFOM: The military council has been preparing to re-open schools for November, 2021. In preparation the junta-controlled Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health have arranged to vaccinate students aged 12 and above.
Read moreWeekly Update in HURFOM Targeted Areas (Second Week of October)
October 18, 2021
A weekly update by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) on the situation on the ground. Summary data includes Mon State, Karen State, and Dawei District.

Internal displacement, which has been fuelled by the junta, has increased in HURFOM target areas. A teenage student, Min Htet Kyaw, 16, a resident of Mudon, Mon State was reportedly abducted from his home by junta security troops at 10 pm on October 13, 2021. The reason for the arrest remains unknown, according to his friend from Mudon.
Another young student, Hnin Pwint Madee, 17, was also abducted by the junta around 10 pm on October 13 from her parent’s house after the troops checked her mobile phone. Madee is also a resident of Mudon, Mon, State. Of those arrested, two were from Mudon, three from Hpa-An and one from Southern Ye. Those injured were from state-sponsored torture.
Most of the Mae-Kae villagers have been fleeing their homes since September 29th. More so since the neighbouring village, Kywe-Chan, was invaded and looted by the junta’s Light Infantry Battalions 406, 407. As of October 13, 2021, over 6000 local residents have been forced to flee. Amid ongoing human rights violations, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) leaders held a summit on 15 October to discuss the junta’s attendance at an upcoming summit at the end of the month. HURFOM joined human rights organizations in urging ASEAN to not extend an invitation to the murderous regime, as it is clear that the military has displayed a flagrant lack of respect for ASEAN. It was decided at the meeting that the junta would not be invited, in what was a victory for the people.
As the violence worsens amid the eight month of the coup, the international community still has pathways to hold the junta accountable available. Silence on the matters inside the country sets an unfortunate precedent which emboldens the junta to commit human rights violations with impunity.
Locals blame Mon political groups for silence on extrajudicial killing of supporter
October 12, 2021
HURFOM: On September 28, 2021, Ye Naing Oo, a 27-year-old civilian from Khaw Zar Town, Southern Ye Township, Mon State was killed by the security forces of the military council.
Local people are upset with national Mon political groups who have not yet shown support to the victim and his family.
Read moreWeekly Update in HURFOM Targeted Areas (First Week of October, 2021)
October 11, 2021
Weekly update on situation in Karen, Mon & Dawei since the coup:
- 33+ Arrested
- 26+ Detained
- 5+ Injured
- 0 Killed
Family members are increasingly being arrested in place of wanted #CDM activists and anti-military #HRDs. HURFOM calls for the release of all detainees.
Military council pressures village authority to rapidly report news about NUG and PDF
October 9, 2021

HURFOM: The military council has been pressuring village administration teams, local militia groups and local armed groups that are controlled by the military to collect and report news related to the activities of the National Unity Government (NUG) and the People Defense Forces (PDF).
Reports must be made about explosions and other activities intended to interrupt the bureaucracy of the military council without hesitation.
Read moreVillagers fear increasing risk of extortion as armed groups resisting the military, grow in number
October 7, 2021
HURFOM: Since the February 1, 2021 coup, many citizens feel the military council has lost its control over Burma. A growing number of unknown armed groups and local people’s defense forces have appeared in numerous communities.
Read moreArbitrary arrests continuing in Tanintharyi Region
October 6, 2021
On 4 October, HURFOM documented 5 cases of arbitrary arrests & abductions in #Dawei as the junta continues to target young people and their families.

Arbitrary arrests of young people increased in HURFOM targeted areas
October 5, 2021
Over the last, we HURFOM observed a significant increase in arbitrary arrests, particularly of young people. We call for:
- The immediate release of all political prisoners
- An immediate cessation of junta violence
- A retreat of all soldiers from civilian areas
Weekly Update in HURFOM Targeted Areas (Fourth Week of September)
October 4, 2021
HURFOM: Civilians are being targeted across the country as systematic violence by the junta continues to be perpetrated with impunity and without consequences. Over the last week, a 27-year-old was shot by junta security forces in Chaung Taung toll gate, Ye Township, Mon State. The victim, Ye Naing Oo, is originally from Khaw Zar, Ye, and the reason the junta shot him is still unknown. The incident happened at 7PM on 28 September. Extrajudicial execution against innocent civilians are ongoing in Tanintharyi Region. Myo Min Hteik, 39 years, a resident of Palaw-Kone village, Palaw Township, Myeik District, was found dead with gunshot wounds early October 1st.
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