Man steps on a landmine and loses his leg in Tha Yet Chaung

March 14, 2024

HURFOM: On March 11th, 2024, a man from Tha Yet Hna Kwa village, Tha Yet Chaung Township, Tenasserim Division stepped on a landmine and lost one of his legs.

60-year-old U Myint Soe was going fishing with his friend, when he stepped on a landmine.

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Two young men shot and killed at junta’s check-point in Bilin

March 14, 2024

HURFOM: On March 11th, 2024, junta’s soldiers at the “Than Ta Dar” check-point in Bilin Township, Mon State shot three young men accusing them of not stopping their motorbike. Two young men were killed while another was severely injured, according to a source close to the victims’ family.

The young men were traveling from Kyike Hto Township to Bilin Township. Two of the deceased victims were 30-year-old Har Shin and 27-year-old Joe Thein and 30-year-old Ko Chit Ko was severely injured.

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80 houses burnt down again in an intense battle in Kaw Ka Rate

March 14, 2024

HURFOM: On March 11th, 2024, the military junta and the joint forces of revolutionary armed groups were battling again in Kaw Ka Rate City, Karen State and at least 80 houses were destroyed and burnt down in the battle, reported local sources.

The junta launched both artillery attacks and air assaults during the battle with artillery shells exploding in Ward #6, Kaw Ra Rate City.

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Number of matriculated students declines five fold since the attempted coup

March 13, 2024

HURFOM: The matriculation examination will be held from March 11 to 19, 2024, without any breaks all across Burma.   

Mon State routinely had about 30,000 matriculated students, but that number has declined five-fold since the attempted coup.

In  Mon State there are now 5,767 matriculated students, according to the Chief of the Education Department in Mon State.

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Six villagers disappear in Thanbyuzayat Township

March 13, 2024

HURFOM: In the first week of March, 2024, six villagers from Thanbyuzayat Township disappeared and no one has been able to be in contact with them.

On March 6, 40-year-old Nai Than Zaw, 50-year-old Nai Ah Kyel and two of their friends left home to buy cooking items and invited people for an “ordination ceremony”, but they never returned home.

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Junta bans transport of gasoline in Long Lone creating livelihood and transportation hardships

March 13, 2024

HURFOM: Beginning on March 3rd, 2024, the military junta imposed a ban on transportation of gasoline in Long Lone Township, Tenasserim Division.

A military check-point located at the Dawei – Ka Myaw Kin Bridge was not allowing the transportation of gasoline, which created fuel shortages in Long Lone City and nearby villages. Subsequently, the price of gasoline has sharply risen.

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Junta extorts local villagers who fail to show ID cards in Kyikemayaw

March 12, 2024

HURFOM: On February 15th, 2024, junta’s security forces stationed at Ka Dar village, Kyikemayaw Township, Mon State extorted money from local villagers who were unable to show their ID cards.

The security forces conducted “interrogations” in front of the Ka Dar Police Station on Mudon – Chaung Hna Kwa Road and extorted between 3,000 to 5,000 MMK from the local villagers who failed to show ID cards.

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“Military Operational Announcement” creates worry among people in Southern Mon State

March 12, 2024

HURFOM: On March 10th, 2024, the “Ye Ba Lue” armed group, a revolutionary organization based in Southern Ye Township, Mon State, released a statement saying they would start a military operation under the name of “the Giant’s Way”.

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18-year-old girl raped by neighbor in Chaung Zone

March 12, 2024

HURFOM: An 18-year-old girl from Hin Thar Kyune village, Chaung Zone Township, Mon State was raped by her neighbor two months ago.

The 50-year-old man raped the girl more than one time at a barn near her house while her parents were away.

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Junta arrests three women in response to NMSP arrest of local militia leaders

March 12, 2024

HURFOM: On March 2nd, 2024, the New Mon State Party (AD – Anti Military Dictatorship) arrested three local militia leaders from Kaw Pi Htaw village and Sein Taung Ward, Kamarwet City, Mudon Township, Mon State.

In response, the 318th Artillery Regiment based in Ah Bit village, Mudon Township arrested three women who are relatives of members of theNMSP (AD).

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