Junta arrests five residents in Tha Yet Chaung

June 25, 2024

HURFOM: On June 14th, 2024, a military operation took place in Tha Yet Chaung Township, Tenasserim Division resulting in the arrest of five residents from two villages.

On June 8th, 2024, an armed group tried to arrest the Administrator of Eain Shay Pyin village, Tha Yet Chaung Township at his house, but he escaped.

Five days later, the Administrator came back with about 70 troops and members of “Pyu Saw Htee”, a junta support group, and entered Eain Shay Pyin and T Tut Pyin villages. They arrested a 15-year-old child and four other men.

The military trucks stopped in front of our houses. Then, the Administrator looted our belongings and took our possessions in their trucks.  Upon leaving the village, they also arrested a 15-year-old child tying his hands at his back,” said a woman from Eain Shay Pyin.

Then, the military regiment entered T Tut Pyin village and arrested four men.

According to the local villagers, the military regiment has demanded a payment from 600,000 to four million MMK for each of the five victims in order to secure their release.

The 15-year-old boy was arrested because the military could not find his elder brother. We don’t know who will be released or who is still detained,” said a resident.

In May, 2024, the junta arrested 16 residents from Eain Shay Pyin, Out Tha Yet Chaung and Ka Net Thiri villages of Tha Yet Chaung Township.


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