August 2024: Monthly Overview of the Human Rights Situation

September 2, 2024

Monsoon Season Flooding Increases Livelihood and Security Challenges for Civilians in Southeastern Burma

Mass Flooding Delays Humanitarian Assistance as Villages Flood

Across Burma, the military junta’s attacks have left innocent civilians facing severe challenges. In August, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) highlighted how the monsoon season brought catastrophic flooding to the local communities. Thousands are battling to survive amid rampant inflation and scarce access to healthcare and social services. The rains have compounded issues by making key roads for transporting food, water, and medicine impassable. Over half the population in target areas such as Mon State, Karen State, and the Tanintharyi region are suffering from the repercussions of these floods.

Since July 24th, Mon State has experienced continuous heavy rainfall, leading to significant flooding in Mawlamyine, Thanbyuzayat, Chaungzon, Kyaikmayaw, Mudon, and Ye Townships. Low-lying areas and villages near rivers have been particularly affected, with approximately 100 villages submerged. Approximately fourteen people have been injured as a result, and the spread of water-borne diseases has been difficult to contain. In Kyaung Ywar village, floodwaters continued to rise, reaching up to 16 feet by 6 AM on July 28th.

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