Two civilians injured by junta’s artillery attack in Bilin

September 3, 2024

HURFOM: Near the noon hour on August 26th, 2024, the military junta launched three artillery attacks on Down village, Tha Bat Swell village tract, Bilin Township, Mon State.  There was no armed clash in the nearby area, stated the Thaton District Karen National Union.

One of the artillery shells exploded on a house injuring a 14-year-old Maung Than Myint and 42-year-old, U Than Lwin.

Four houses in the village were also damaged and cattle were also injured by the explosion.

The military must take responsibility for targeting residential areas without cause — there was no armed clash,” said Pa Doe Saw Aye Nine, the Secretary of the Thaton District Karen National Union.

On the same day, the junta also attacked Taung Kalay village, Bilin Township and injured a 9-year-old Grade-2 student Saw Win Ko Ko.

Taung Kalay and Down villages are under the control of the Thaton District KNU and the 314th artillery regiment and the 8th light infantry battalion were responsible for the attack.


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