Unknown armed group arrest and extort villagers in Yebyu

August 3, 2022

HURFOM: On July 29, 2022, an unknown, armed group arrested about 20 villagers from Pha Yar Thone Zu and Sein Bone villages, Yebyu Township, located in Tenasserim Division.

Local sources told HURFOM that family members had to pay one million Kyat for each arrested person for their release.

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Security forces kill civilian in Mawlamyine

August 2, 2022

HURFOM: At approximately 7:30 pm on July 30, 2022, security forces based near the Mawlamyine airport shot and killed a civilian in Mawlamyine, the capital of the Mon State.

The soldiers and police forces attempted to stop the victim who lived in the Thwe Toud ward at a checkpoint near the Mawlamyine airport.  However, the victim did not stop his motorbike,  security forces chased after him and shot him to death.

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Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State & Tanintharyi Region, July 2022

August 1, 2022

Summary Overview & Analysis

The Military Junta is Continuing to Perpetrate Human Rights Violation with Impunity in Southeastern Myanmar

It has now been nearly a year and a half since the military junta attempted their unlawful coup. The regime has failed to honor the wishes of the people who overwhelmingly showed their support for the National League for Democracy (NLD) in a landslide victory. Despite earning less than 10% of the vote, the junta claimed electoral fraud without evidence and has since continued to make decisions which have devastated the country’s economy and social, political order. In addition, a humanitarian crisis has plunged one-million civilians into deep poverty as they are forcibly displaced from their homes. Their behavior in the days and months which have passed since 1 February 2021 have been increasingly violent. Download the report in PDF format

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Schools closed due to armed clashes in Kha Lae – Dagon Tie, Kyarinnseikyi

July 29, 2022

HURFOM: Schools in villages nearby Kha Lae – Dagon Tie area, Kyarinnseikyi Township, Karen State, can not be opened due frequent armed clashes between the Karen National Union (KNU) and the Burmese military.

According to the local sources, neither the government nor self-reliant schools are being  opened in Daung De, Nan Tie Htoon and Htee Phoe Nine villages.

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Armed group beats and extorts villager in Southern Ye

July 29, 2022

HURFOM: On July 24, 2022, an unknown armed group dressed in  military uniforms  entered Yin Dane village, located in the Yin Yel village track of Southern Ye Township, Mon State.

Approximately 6 armed group members beat and tortured a 57-year old villager called Nai Choi.

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Leak of personal information from those involved with NUG online school face arrest and job losses

July 26, 2022

HURFOM: “Kaung For You” is an online school which operates under the National Unity Government (NUG).  Because the NUG has been clear in their opposition to the military junta, the online school attracted significant attention from young people.  Approximately 20,000 students had registered with the school.

Recently, the school server was hacked and personal information identifying teachers and students involved with the school was leaked.    The military junta responded by  arresting individuals connected with the school.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region
Third Week of July, 2022

July 25, 2022

HURFOM: A weekly update by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) on the situation on the ground. Summary data includes Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region.


As the end of July nears, human rights violations in target areas of the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) continued to be scaled up. Homes have been deliberately scorched by the junta as arbitrary arrests and ongoing raids spark fear in local communities. The international community’s slow will to act has led civilians to fear the worst is still yet to come. Without concrete action and a response that makes clear that the junta is not above the rule of law, the Burma Army will continue to commit crimes with impunity. 

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Ham Gam villagers experience frequent electricity blackouts, despite two providers

July 22, 2022

HURFOM: Ham Gam villagers are divided over two companies selling electricity service, amidst blackouts and price hikes. 

Khan Company has been the main electricity provider, but began to cut its power supply on July 14, 2022.  The company began operations in 2016, and the founder,  U Inn had provided  24-hour electricity service to Ham Gam.

In 2020-21, he sold his business to a Korean company.

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People charged for filing “visitors’ report” forms in Mawlamyine

July 21, 2022

HURFOM: In Mawlamyine Township, Mon State, local authorities instructed people who are temporarily staying in the township to file a “visitors’ report”.  They must also put the “visitors’ report” in front of their house after sealing it with a plastic cover.

Local people are also being charged 500 Kyat by the village Administrators for filing the report and posting it as instructed.

We have to do a “visitors’ report” every month. After that, we have to put the sheet in front of our house. We have to pay money to the hundred household leaders for sealing the sheet with plastic cover, said a woman from Myine Thar Yar Ward, Mawlamyine.

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Security forces loot and burn homes in Taung Pyouk village track, Tenasserim Division

July 20, 2022

HURFOM: At approximately 7:30 pm on June 15, 2022, the military juntas security forces burnt down at least five houses in Ah Lae Su village, which is part of the Taung Pyouk village track, located in Tha Yet Chaung Township, Tenasserim Division.

Before burning down the houses, security forces removed all the  valuable belongings from the homes, a local source reported to HURFOM.

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