Drug arrests double in 2020 despite COVID-19

January 20, 2021

HURFOM: There were 406 drug arrests in 2019 in Mon State.  At the end of 2020, the number more than doubled to 844 cases, despite COVID-19 travel restrictions. 

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Child sexual abuse continues in Mon State

January 19, 2021

HURFOM: In 2020, in Mon State, there were 67 cases of child sexual abuse identified.

Within the first two weeks of January 2021, two new cases were registered with police in Mudon.  

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What is working between the Union and State levels of government, and what needs to change? : Responses from parliamentarians

January 18, 2021

HURFOM: According to Myanmar’s 2008 Constitution, the Union level government has more authority than State level governments.  This is laid out explicitly in Table #1 and #2 of the Constitution.

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NLD selective meetings with winning ethnic party candidates damaging unity, says MUP

January 13, 2021

When the National League for Democracy (NLD) announced they would discuss future union affairs with ethnic political parties, they only met with ethnic candidates that had won seats in the 2020 election.   They did not meet with the ethnic political parties.

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Civic education must come first before the new GAD election

January 12, 2021

HURFOM: The process of electing  new Ward/Village Administrators, who will serve the new government following the 2020 election, will begin soon.

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Child sexual abuses cases : 1/3rd of the perpetrators are family members

January 11, 2021

HURFOM: In 2020, 96 child sexual abuse cases were filed in Mon State.   67 involved rape,  report the Mon State Police Office, and  one third of the rapists were family members or relatives.

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NLD sends 17 objection letters to UEC following 2020 election: One concerns election of MUP Deputy Speaker to Mon State Parliament

January 8, 2021

HURFOM: On December 29, 2020, the National League for Democracy (NLD) held a Central Executive Committee Meeting.  NLD Vice Chair Dr Zaw Myint Maung,  told the press that one of the outcomes of the meeting was that the party sent 17 objection letters to the Union Election Commission (UEC).

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Six-year-old sexually abused in Mudon

January 8, 2021

HURFOM: On January 3, 2021, a six-year-old girl from Myo Ma #4 Ward, Mudon, in Mon State was sexually abused by a 27-year-old neighbor.

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Meeting between NLD and MUP canceled

January 5, 2021

HURFOM: On January 4, 2021, the National League for Democracy (NLD) and the Mon Unity Party (MUP) had planned to have a political dialogue to discuss the future of the Union in Mawlamyine, Mon State. However, the meeting was canceled because the two parties failed to reach an agreement on where the dialogue should be held.

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