MUP agrees to join State Administrative Council created by military junta

February 8, 2021

HURFOM: The Mon Unity Party (MUP) has accepted a proposal from the military junta to join a State Administrative Council created by the military.

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Ethnic political parties say political problems must be solved by political means

February 7, 2021

HURFOM: Five ethnic political parties, the Kachin People’s Party, , the Kayah State Democratic Party, the Karen National Democratic Party, the Chin National League for Democracy and the Mon Unity Party have come together issuing a joint statement, saying that for sake of a federal democratic union, the country’s current political problems must be solved by the political means.

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Mawlamyine University teachers condemn military coup

February 7, 2021

HURFOM: In response to the February 1 military coup, teachers from Mawlamyine University have started a red ribbon campaign, to demonstrate  support for civil disobedience in protest to the military coup.  The campaign began on February 5 and is spreading  across Burma.

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UN Security Council issues statement of concern

February 5, 2021

HURFOM: On February 4rth,  the United Nations Security Council issued a statement regarding recent events in Myanmar. 

Security Council President, Barbara Woodward from the United Kingdom said, 

“The members of the Security Council expressed deep concern at the declaration of the state of emergency imposed in Myanmar by the military on 1 February and the arbitrary detention of members of the Government, including State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint and others.  They called for the immediate release of all those detained.”

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In response to military coup, Ye Medical Officers start Civil Disobedience Campaign

February 4, 2021

HURFOM: On February 3, 2021, just days after the military coup, Medical Officers from Ye General Hospital, condemned the military for the coup, and started a Civil Disobedience Campaign.

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Errors in voter lists must be solved by law, not by a coup

February 1, 2021

HURFOM: On January 29, 2021, the People’s Alliance for Credible Elections (PACE) and 11 other  election monitoring groups announced the Myanmar 2020 election results were credible, and reflected the will of the majority voters.

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Mother suspects son was tortured to death in detention

January 28, 2021

HURFOM: On January 23, 2021, the Kamarwat Police arrested Maung Win Tun, a 32-year-old Hnee Padaw resident, on suspicion of murder.  Hnee Padaw village is in Mudon Township, Mon State.

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Announcement to register objections to a stone mining project withheld from the public

January 26, 2021

HURFOM: On December 21, 2020, the Ye Township Department of Agriculture Land Management and Statistics announced the Mon Peace and Defense Front (MPDF) had submitted an application to use 177 acres of virgin land in Magyi village, Khaw Zar Town, Ye Township, Mon State.

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Deep economic impacts for workers and business due to Covid-19

January 22, 2021

HURFOM: The first Covid-19 patient in Myanmar was discovered on March 23, 2020.

Because of public health measures, such as ‘Stay at home orders’, a ban on public/social gatherings and physical distance rules, all intended to contain the spread of the virus, many businesses and factories have shut down. The economic impacts are significant.

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Covid case count increases since election

January 21, 2021

HURFOM: Before the election, the Mon State had less than 1,000 Covid patients.  Just two months after the election, another 2,000 patients have been added to the list, according to, Dr Thet Kyaw Soe, an official at Fever Clinic Isolation Ward #3 at the  Mawlamyine General Hospital.

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