14 dead and thousands flee armed clash in Taung Zun

January 10, 2023

HURFOM: On January 4 and 5, 2023, there was an armed clash between the Burmese army and the joint forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the People Defense Forces (PDF) in Taung Zun village, of Kyarinnseikyi Township, Karen State.

Local sources told HURFOM, that at least 14 civilians have died and thousands have fled their homes, 

During the two-day clash, the military junta launched artillery attacks and air assaults resulting in the death of many innocent villagers. 

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region

January 9, 2023

First Week of January 2023

A New Year has begun, but for many, the lives of innocent civilians in Burma have not changed. The junta uses violence as a tool to weaponize submission and enforce fractured laws that do nothing but make a mockery of the justice system. Fighting continues unabated as armed soldiers continue to wreak havoc, destroying all in their path.

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Kyarinnseikyi residents flee their homes due to increasing armed clashes

January 6, 2023

HURFOM: Since late 2022, armed clashes between the Burmese army and the joint forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the People Defense Forces (PDF) have been steadily increasing in Kyarinnseikyi Township, in Karen State.

As a result residents are fleeing from their villages.

Military aircraft are flying over the villages everyday,  and villagers are digging bomb shelters in an attempt  to protect themselves from air assaults and artillery attacks.

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Maritime transport in Ataran River disrupts livelihoods of fishing community

January 6, 2023

HURFOM: Since December 2022, there have been frequent maritime transport activities taking place in the Ataran River in Kyaikmayaw Township, of Mon State.  As a result the local fishing community  is experiencing many problems due to the large maritime vessels traveling along the river.

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Ye Military Checkpoint extorts money from passengers

January 4, 2023

HURFOM: The military junta has tightened its security in Ye Township, Mon State since June, 2022.  They have installed many check-points and the security forces at these check-points have been extorting money from passengers.

The soldiers at the Ye Bridge Check-point have threatened the passengers riding in all vehicles and trucks with unjust reasons.  According to HURFOM sources, individuals are only allowed to pass through a check-point after handing over their money.

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Junta’s administrators disrupt “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence”

January 4, 2023

HURFOM: November 25 to December 10 marks the “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence” campaign organized by women in Mon State.

This is an annual initiative, but an activist involved in the effort told HURFOM that the junta-appointed Administrators in some villages of Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State have been actively disrupting the campaign this year.

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Monthly Overview:
Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region | December 2022

January 3, 2023

Indiscriminate Firing, Mortar Shelling and Ongoing Abductions by the Military Junta Force Thousands of Civilians in Southeastern Burma to Flee

HURFOM: Over the last twelve months, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) has continued to document the widespread and systematic atrocities perpetrated against innocent civilians by the Burma Army. As the year 2022 ends, HURFOM has concluded that the human rights situation has shown no improvement based on our findings and analysis. The military has resorted to violence to advance its authoritarian agenda, even at the cost of innocent lives. This includes more abductions, torture and conflict-related sexual violence.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region

December 26, 2022

Fourth Week of December 2022

HURFOM: Despite the Christmas holidays, the Burma Army has not slowed its offensives. The targeting of civilians continues in Southeastern Burma and across the country. The Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) has closely monitored the scaled-up atrocities perpetrated against unarmed residents. Offensives remain unrelenting, and the lives of the most vulnerable are increasingly at risk amid food shortages and freedom of movement restrictions.

The military junta launched a coup two years ago and denied the results of the 2020 election by dubiously claiming significant mistakes with the voter list. The junta is planning to hold an election in 2023. The Union Election Committee, which is controlled by the military, has been collecting names for a new voters’ list via the General Administration Department (GAD). According to sources within the GAD, there is little confidence the new voter list will be accurate because of corruption within the Immigration Department which has been tasked to make national registration cards and a household list of voters. Some names hold two or three different ID cards. “If corruption cannot be eliminated, the voter list won’t be accurate,” said a source close to the township GAD.

It is worth noting that the junta has also been putting pressure on small or ethnic political parties. The UEC recently informed all political parties of an amendment driven by the junta establishing new membership numbers and requiring parties to pay a fee to the UEC.

“It has been a long time since they’ve checked to see if the people in the constituency and those on the household list are the same. Many have different household lists and don’t live in the township they are registered to vote in.”

Clashes throughout the region threaten instability as hopes for a return to normalcy feels all the more distant. Conflict broke out in Padauk-Gyi Village, Thayetchaung Township, Dawei. The junta burned seven houses, opened fire with artillery weapons, and killed a young villager. On December 18 at 10 AM, fighting broke out between the local People’s Defence Forces and the junta in Padauk-Gyii Village. According to the reporters, the military council army burned seven houses and two motorcycles. In the evening after the battle, the junta and their backed militias entered the road leading to the hot springs in Pe-Dak village. A witness said they fired indiscriminately with their guns. A young man was hit in the chest. He bled to death. Due to these new armed conflicts, at least 300 families and villagers are fleeing nearby areas who fear the junta’s indiscriminate gunfire.

Meanwhile, the abductions are creating a growing atmosphere of fear. In Kaw Dut village, Ye Township, Mon State, two young people were arbitrarily arrested by the junta at 8 PM on December 20: “The junta is patrolling our village day and night. There are no People’s Defense Force soldiers here. But two young villagers, our friends, who were using their phones at the public rest house, were abducted. They did nothing wrong. Their motorbike was also seized,” according to a close friend of one of the detainees. They were sent to the Lamine Police Station, a neighboring Town of Kaw Dut village, Northern Ye Mon State. The junta frequently demands ransoms for the release of their loved ones. Human lives should not have a price tag attached to them. They must be granted their universal human rights to live with dignity and peace.

2,000 villagers flee their homes in Pu Law

December 24, 2022

HURFOM: The military council launched a heavy armed attack in Pu Law Township, Myeik District, Tenasserim Division in the first week of December, 2022.  In response 2,000 villagers from 20 villages fled their homes and have been unable to return.

The military also launched artillery attacks on nearby  villages. 

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Military junta bans villagers from using social media to share certain news incidents

December 24, 2022

HURFOM: Villagers told HURFOM that the military junta is strongly threatening them not to share news related to armed clashes, bomb explosions or any news related to the revolution against the coup, via their social media accounts.

Those who do share reports of such incidents will be arrested and punished by the military junta.

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