Mell Ta Yo villager beaten and tortured by Burmese soldiers in Kyikemayaw

January 3, 2024

HURFOM: On December 30, 2023, junta soldiers beat a 52-year-old Mell Ta Yo villager in Kyikemayaw Township.

Nai Maung Sa lost consciousness from the beating and was abandoned in a nearby rubber plantation. Villagers found him and with the help of a local rescue team arranged for him to get to Mawlamyine General Hospital.

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December 2023: Monthly Overview of the Human Rights Situation

January 2, 2024

Military Impunity Continues to Thrive as Increased Violence Shows No End of Attacks Perpetrated Against Civilians

Across the last twelve months, the human rights situation in Southeastern Burma and many parts of the country has remained unstable and uncertain. Every day, civilians are forced to make decisions for their survival.

When conflict erupts, there is often no warning, and communities must take what little they can to seek shelter. In many scenarios, no active fighting prompts the junta to fire indiscriminately. Scores of civilians have been killed and injured while going to work, to school or spending time with their loved ones. These patterns of targeted violence by the Burma Army are not new. Still, the increase in retaliatory abuses has been heightened as the junta is now closer than ever to defeat.

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The Human Rights Foundation of Monland Condemns Increasing Violence Against Civilians in Mon State, Burma

December 29, 2023

[For Immediate Release]
Ongoing violations of human rights are being perpetrated by the Burma Army with impunity in Mon State. Between November and December 2023, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) reported a steady increase in crimes against civilians. These violations include arbitrary arrest, destruction of properties, indiscriminate firing of weapons and interrogations that resulted in death. In December 2023, HURFOM documented that 22,000 people in Mon State were forcibly displaced, at least 22 people were injured, and 10 were killed.
Most recently, according to a statement from residents and the Karen National Union, Thaton district, nearly 1,500 people have fled due to artillery weapons launched by the military during a battle at the Win Tar Pan camp near Win Tar Pan village, Bilin Township, Mon State.
The following are cases recently reported by the HURFOM. We strongly condemn these attacks and express our utmost concern for those on the ground who are impacted by the ongoing violations of human rights and call for their immediate protection.

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Two sisters arrested by junta in Kan Bauk

December 25, 2023

HURFOM: On December 21, 2023, soldiers from Mawrawaddy Navy Command arrested two sisters from Kan Bauk Town, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division.

Both 30-year-old Ma NawN aw Shein and Ma Maw Maw Shein operated a beauty salon in Hle Gone Ward, Kan Bauk Town.

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Pregnant woman killed by artillery explosion in Thaton

December 22, 2023

HURFOM: On December 19th, 2023, even though there were no armed clashes in the area, the military junta intentionally targeted Kyone Main village, Kaw Hline village tract, located in Thaton Township, Mon State.

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Junta arrests Chair of a social welfare association for social media comments

December 21, 2023

HURFOM: On December 16th, 2023, Daw Saw Su Su Htwe, the Chair of “Shin Tan Chin Twelve Lat” Social Welfare Association, based in Thu Dhamma Watti New Town, Thaton Township, Mon State was arrested, according to a source close to her family members.

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GAD vice chief and two staff arrested by junta in Thanbyuzayat

December 21, 2023

HURFOM: On December 17th, 2023, the Vice Chief of the Thanbyuzayat Township General Administration Department (GAD) and two staff were arrested by the military junta after being accused of sharing information with the People’s Defense Forces.

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Security forces conduct more interrogations and extort Mawlamyine residents

December 20, 2023

HURFOM has learned military junta soldiers and the police have been interrogating and extorting money from local motorists and motorbike riders in Mawlamyine, Mon State.

Security forces stationed at junctions in the city stop motorists to check ID cards and driving licenses. They also open motorbike tool boxes. The stops are followed by efforts to extort money, say Mawlamyine residents.

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Four residents arrested by junta in Kan Bauk

December 20, 2023

HURFOM: On December 17th, 2023, a man and three women from Kan Bauk Town, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division were arrested by the military junta in their home at midnight.

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More than 30,000 residents flee and 100 homes damaged in Kaw Ka Rate battle

December 20, 2023

Since December 1st, 2023, there has been an ongoing battle between the military junta and the joint forces of the Karen National Liberation Army in Kaw Ka Rate Town, Karen State. More than 30,000 residents fled their homes and roughly 100 houses were damaged.

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