Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region
First Week of September 2022

September 5, 2022

HURFOM: A weekly update by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) on the situation on the ground. Summary data includes Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region.

As the end of August 2022 came to an end, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) was alarmed by several new human rights trends in Southeastern Burma. Among them, there has been a notable increase in children being targeted by the military junta. They’ve been deprived of their basic needs including medical attention, food, education, and the right to live safely. As a result, the numbers of displaced children who are suffering from malnutrition are worrisome. 

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Students give up pursuing university studies in other cities due to security concerns

September 5, 2022

HURFOM: Students from Mon State who already passed their matriculation exam with high marks fear attending universities outside Mon State due to unsettled politics and security concerns. 

Top universities including the University of Medicine, Economics, Computer Studies and the Education Degree College institute are located in Yangon, Mandalay and Magway. Because these institutions are located in  cities that are very far from Mon State, parents worry about sending their children away to attend these universities or colleges.

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August 2022 Overview
Human Rights Violations Remain Rampant in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi Region

September 1, 2022

HURFOM: Throughout the month of August 2022, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) documented increasing attacks on civilians and human rights defenders. Many of these assaults amount to crimes against humanity and war crimes. Across target areas of Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region, the Burma Army has continued to commit widespread human rights violations with impunity. 

Civilians have routinely been caught in the crossfire of the junta’s offensives, which are expanding and are subsequently fueling the worsening humanitarian crisis on the ground. Children are among those targeted in a series of raids and flyover attacks by the military who are using various tools of terror to isolate and intimidate ciivlian populations. 

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Authorities accept bribes to change “Land Title”

August 30, 2022

HURFOM: The 2012 Farmland Law has clear prohibitions preventing  farmland to be used for other purposes (farmland can only be used for paddy/rice cultivation), but officials appointed by the military council are abusing their power, allowing changes to the titles  of some farmlands to create land plots for housing.

 “Our Ministry of Agriculture already gave a clear instruction that farmland can’t be used for other purposes. Rubber or fruit plantations can be used for non-cultivation purposes after the negotiation with the particular departments, but farmland isn’t allowed to be used for other purposes. Even though there is a clear directives, everyone has done as they like after the farmland owners and the government officials reached a mutual understanding,said an official from the Department of Agriculture

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region
Fourth Week of August, 2022

August 29, 2022

HURFOM: As the month of August comes to an end, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM), remains deeply troubled by the harsh reality’s civilians are facing on the ground. The growing presence of the junta in local areas continues to contribute to high rates of forced displacement, injuries and deaths of local villagers including women and children. Many have been killed with baseless accusations and suspicions from the junta which have seen dozens arrested and murdered.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region
Third Week of August, 2022

August 22, 2022

HURFOM: Across the last week in target areas of Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) reported a further escalation in the human rights situation on the ground. Since HURFOM began documenting atrocities committed by the military junta post-coup, we have become more concerned about the level of inhumanity being witnessed and the lack of international action.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region
Second Week of August, 2022

August 15, 2022

HURFOM: Throughout the second week of August, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) reported on increasing attacks against human rights defenders and youth, young men in particular. The military junta has been stepping up their assaults on freedom fighters and those aligned with the pro-democracy movement as well as indiscriminately targeting civilians.

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Inflation and high commodity prices hurting everyone

August 13, 2022

HURFOM: Since early August, 2022, the inflation  rate has risen dramatically, which has led to higher prices for basic commodities. Rice, cooking oil, chili and onions are three times their normal price.

 Commodity prices are really high — a daily worker earning 5,000 Kyat a day can’t feed three of his family members. People have to struggle just to buy food. The income and outcome are imbalanced. I have to go to work on my bike rather than consider buying gasoline. It’s a really tough life, said a daily worker.

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More arrests and extortion efforts by unknown, armed groups in Southern Ye

August 12, 2022

HURFOM: Since the February 2021 military coup, more unknown, and  armed groups have emerged in Southern Ye Township, of Mon State.

Some of these groups have been arresting and extorting money from villagers, which has increased their insecurity. 

I feel insecure to live here. If someone who doesn’t like you reports to them (unknown armed groups) that you’re doing something bad — then these groups suddenly arrest and extort money from you. We’ve heard many stories that villagers were tortured by unknown armed groups,said a woman from Southern Ye.

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Authorities force parents to accept money for daughter who died in bus accident

August 10, 2022

HURFOM: On August 5, 2022, the “Aunty Win” Express Bus traveling on the  Yangon-Dawei-Myeik route, struck and killed a four-year-old child from Thar Yar Mon village.  

A local source told HURFOM, the child suffered from broken ribs which damaged her lungs.

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