On International Women’s Day, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland Calls for the Support and Protection of Women in Burma

March 8, 2022

HURFOM: On this International Women’s Day, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) wishes to extend our support and appreciation for the women of Burma, who continue to show great strength and resilience during these challenging times. Against the backdrop of the military junta’s deplorable actions, women of all ages and backgrounds have stood tall in the face of adversity, and used their courage to conquer the patriarchal entity that is the Tatmadaw.

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Weekly update on Human Rights situation in Karen, Mon States & Tanintharyi Region since the attempted coup [First week of March 2022]

March 7, 2022

No one feels safe and secure in #Burma amid the lingering of junta backed forces, such as plain clothed police officers and informers. The people want peace.

Full Analysis:

In HURFOM areas, civilians are unquestionably continuing to reel from the aftermath of the failed coup. Economically, the country has been crippled by inflation, including rice, a staple in the local cuisine. No one feels safe and secure amid the lingering of junta backed forces, such as plain clothed police officers and informers.

On 1 March, HURFOM released our monthly findings from February 2022 which found that even a year after the failed coup, the amount of destruction caused by the junta have amounted to the most serious of human rights violations. The junta has shown no signs of easing their attacks against the people and has instead continued to spearhead their campaign of terror and illegal, inhumane acts including arbitrary arrests, indiscriminate firing and shelling, enforced disappearances, murder and many others.

In February 2022 alone, HURFOM recorded at least 65 arrests, 25 injuries and 10 deaths. Women and girls in particular were targeted with nearly 30 being arrested, sentenced and charged by the junta. Alongside the terror continues to be undisputed bravery. Protests and calls for action, including urgently dismantling the junta by cutting off their access to funds, weapons and more, are all the more active in Burma.

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Junta troops are cracking down on the travelers near Hindra junction, located at Taungthone Lone Village, Metta Sub-Township, Dawei District. Stop and frisk operations were carried out on 2 March where nearly 60 military vehicles from the Metta Battalion arrived and began a rigorous operation. Approximately 30 motorcycles, six cars and the owners were arrested and confiscated. It is still unclear why the junta soldiers arrested and confiscated these vehicles. It seems like they will demand the ransom to give back to the drivers and owners.

In Karen State, on 28 February, a group of junta soldiers and officials arrived at Thang Yee Shop Road in Nyaung Wine Ward No. 5, Hpa-an, Karen and conducted guest registration and household inspections, and abducted three young men, according to the residents. The illegal activities and corruption is fuelled by a lack of accountability.

Ye residents now paying 900 Kyat for 1 kWh

March 5, 2022

HURFOM: Residents of Ye Township, in Mon State do not have access to electricity provided by the State.   Instead they must buy for electricity service provided by private companies.  Southern Myanmar Development (SMD) Company Limited, SEGAP Company Limited and BFL Company Limited are the private companies providing electricity to Ye Town and nearby villages.

Starting in March 2022, these companies have decided to raise their prices. A staff person with the Ye Electricity Providing Committee reported that,   beginning in  March, 1 kWh of electricity will cost 900 Kyat.

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Monthly Overview: Ongoing Human Rights Violation Jeopardize Civilian Safety

March 1, 2022

Across the month of February, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) continued to witness and document ongoing human rights violations being unlawfully perpetrated against innocent civilians. The junta has shown no signs of easing their attacks against the people and has instead continued to spearhead their campaign of terror and illegal, inhumane actsincluding arbitrary arrests, indiscriminate firing and shelling, enforced disappearances, murder and many others. [Download in PDF]

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Crimes escalate under junta’s rule

March 1, 2022

HURFOM: The military coup has now passed the one year mark and villagers report to HURFOM that there has been an escalation of stealing and robbery under the military junta’s rule.  People feel the rule of law or even the appearance of uploading the law is rapidly disappearing.

Most townships in Mon State have experienced a variety of thefts.  Those responsible for these crimes are doing some without fear of consequences , report the villagers.

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Weekly update on Human Rights situation in Karen, Mon States & Tanintharyi Region since the attempted coup [Fourth week of February 2022]

February 28, 2022

HURFOM: A weekly update by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) on the situation on the ground. Summary data includes Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region.

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Weekly update on Human Rights situation in Karen, Mon States & Tanintharyi Region since the attempted coup [Third week of February 2022]

February 21, 2022

HURFOM: A weekly update by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) on the situation on the ground. Summary data includes Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi region.

Weekly Overview


Karen State

  • On the bridge in Kaw Kyaik Village, Hpa-an Township, a group of junta security troops blocked the War-Sue Iron Bridge and forcibly stopped travellers. Young people were targeted and arrested.
  • At least five civilians were accused of supporting PDFs and NUG. Their homes and properties have been seized by the junta GAD since February 16, according to the reporters in Kawkareik Township.
  • Residents say at least four villages, with an estimated more than 1,000 IDPs, have been fleeing to the deeper Brigade 4 areas of the KNU.
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Students become COVID-19 victims as the junta focuses on stabilizing their power

February 17, 2022

HURFOM: For more than a year since the 2021 coup, the military junta has focused their attention and resources on stabilizing their power, while neglecting measures to control the pandemic. Students are one of the groups paying the price for this decision by the junta.

Case counts have been increasing steadily on a daily basis, and a cluster of COVID-19 infections was recently reported amongst high school students from Chaung Zone, Mawlamyine, Mudon and Thanbyuzayat Townships. 

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Disappearance of young detainees in Ye fuels worry of family members

February 16, 2022

HURFOM: Security forces for the military junta have been arresting young people for operating unlicensed motorbikes and detaining them at undisclosed locations.  

These young people have not been able to have contact with their family members once arrested.

Recently a number of young people were arrested by soldiers and the police on the Mawlamyine-Ye Highway Road between Lamine and Ye Township.

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NMSP urges Mon people to boycott their offices, workplaces and schools on Mon National Day

February 15, 2022

HURFOM: On February 11, 2022, the New Mon State Party (NMSP) released a statement urging Mon people not to go to government offices, workplaces or schools on February 16, 2022, .Mon National Day

February 16 falls on a Wednesday which would normally be a work day for  government staff and  students would normally attend school.

The NMSP, the Mon religious community and Mon community based organizations have long demanded that Mon National Day be a public holiday.  Governments have never acknowledged the demand.

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