Security tightens after NUG announces formation of PDF

May 12, 2021

HURFOM: On May 5, 2021, the National Unity Government (NUG) announced a People Defence Force (PDF) has been formed to end the terrorist acts of the military junta.

Following this announcement, the military junta tightened its security at the entrances of the towns and within downtowns across  Mon State.

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Weekly Update in HURFOM targetted Areas (25 April – 9 May 2021)

May 11, 2021

Weekly HURFOM update on the situation in #Karen #Mon & #Dawei since the military coup. Human rights violations are on the rise.
⚠️166+ Arrested
⚠️ 140+ Detained
⚠️ 7+ Injured
⚠️ 8 Killed
⚠️ 280 Arrest Warrants Issued
HURFOM recorded at least 370 motos and 5 cars confiscated, 50 cases of phone & money confiscation. The junta has specifically targeted young people and activists in the education sector.

MUP should reconsider cooperation with military council

May 11, 2021

HURFOM: The Mon Unity Party (MUP), which represents the whole Mon population, has cooperated with the military council, however, Mon activists say, there is no obvious benefit to the Mon people.

“I think there must be “give and take”. The Arakan party said this clearly. The Mon party must do the same. After cooperating with the military council, how much can we discuss our demands, and how can we achieve our goals? In my opinion, as of today, we’ve got nothing, but the military has been killing the people. So the MUP must reconsider the cooperation, said one Mon leader.

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Weekly Update in HURFOM Targeted Areas (25 April – 9 May, 2021)

May 10, 2021

Weekly update on the situation in #Karen #Mon & #Dawei since the #coup. HRVs on the rise.

  • 166+ Arrested
  • 140+ Detained
  • 7+ Injured
  • 8 Killed

280 Arrest Warrants Issued HURFOM recorded at least 370 motos & 5 cars confiscated, 50 cases of phone & money confiscation

Military council amends law denying legal aid to detainees

May 2, 2021

HURFOM: The military council amended the “Legal Aid Law 2016” on April 29, 2021. A significant change was the removal of specific text.  The military removed language stating the purpose of the was to provide legal aid, in order “to eliminate/end unlawful arrests.”

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Right to information has a 30 year history: Now in jeopardy

April 30, 2021

HURFOM: During the last  three months, since the February 1 coup, the military junta has cut off mobile internet; limited Wifi services; abolished licenses of 5 news agencies; unjustly arrested reporters and filed lawsuits against both journalists and media outlets.   The result has been that the public right to  information has hit rock bottom. 

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Military junta must be held accountable for mass killings

April 27, 2021

HURFOM: Since February 1, 2021 in what is being called the Burma Spring Revolution, more than 700 innocent people have been killed by the armed forces also known as the Tatmadaw.  

General Yawd Serk, Acting Leader of the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) on  April 26, 2021 indicated that the leaders of the military junta must be held accountable for mass killings committed  by their troops.

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Weekly Update in HURFOM targetted Areas (19 April – 25 April 2021)

April 26, 2021

Weekly update on the situation in #Karen #Mon & #Dawei. Arrests & Detention on the rise 📈

👉61+ Arrested
👉50+ Detained
👉5+ Injured
👉1 Killed

Approx 60 cases of confiscations including money & phones, at least 25 motos confiscated and 10+ asked for ransoms to get them back.

Millions expected to go hungry as consequence of military coup

April 26, 2021

HURFOM: On April 22, 2021 the World Food Programme (WFP) estimated that 3-4million people across Burma will experience hunger within the next six months, due to combined impacts of the pandemic and the military coup.

“More and more poor people have lost their jobs and are unable to afford food. A concerted response is required now to alleviate immediate suffering,” said WFP Myanmar Country Director, Stephen Anderson.

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A quarter of a million people flee their homes due to brutal military crackdown

April 23, 2021

HURFOM: An alarming number of innocent civilians are fleeing their homes as the military and police forces kill and arrest peaceful protesters throughout Burma. 

250,000 have now fled their homes.  The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Burma said he was shocked by this huge number.

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