Owner of gas station in Maw Ka Nin arrested by military

February 20, 2023

HURFOM: On February 14, 2023, the owner of a gas station in Maw Ka Nin village, Ye Township, in Mon State was arrested by the local 106th  Artillery Battalion.

His  family members have lost contact with him as of today.

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Soldiers begin to maintain a photo record of vehicles at Kyaikmayaw check point

February 20, 2023

HURFOM: The military junta has reinforced their security forces at the entrance and outlet of Kyaikmayaw Town, in Mon State since the last week of December, 2022.

Soldiers at the checkpoint between Kyaikmayaw Town and Kyune Yaw village, in Kyaikmayaw Township are now maintaining a photo record of every vehicle and passengers are being interrogated as they pass through the gate, report local sources.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region

February 20, 2023

Third Week of February 2023

The year 2023 has continued to be marked with violence against the people in Burma. In Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi region, civilians are relentlessly being attacked by artillery shells and the bullets of the junta’s indiscriminate firing. Destruction of property, including the burning of villages, is ongoing. Thousands more are being forced to flee their homes daily as military impunity, and a lack of international action only encourage the junta to commit more atrocity crimes.

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New Briefing Paper: “We Cannot Move Freely,” The Impacts of Martial Law on Civilians in Southeastern Burma

February 17, 2023

HURFOM: Since the attempted coup on 1 February 2021, armed clashes between the military junta and armed opposition groups have increased across the country. In Southeastern Burma, the frequency of the fighting has displaced thousands and led to mass instability. The Karen and Mon armed groups are battling the junta in an ongoing bid for ethnic autonomy that has been amassed for decades. 

While fighting occurs, civilians are forced to confront widespread instability, which has devastated their livelihoods. Unable to work or travel safely impedes their fundamental human rights, including freedom of movement. The current circumstances have led to desolate conditions for civilians who are significantly impacted by the toll of heavy fighting.

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Burmese military killed one villager and arrest another in Maw Ka Nin

February 16, 2023

HURFOM: Killing and arresting innocent civilians in Ye Township has been on the rise since the declaration of martial law.

Local sources report that on February 9, 2023, a man named Nai Bin from Maw Ka Nin village, Ye Township, in Mon State was killed by the Burmese military.

Nai Bin was a plantation worker and was shot to death at about 2 am while on his plantation. Another villager told HURFOM that Burmese soldiers invaded his plantation and shot him three times.

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MUP criticize new electoral law: Now only able to only run at State/Division level in upcoming election

February 15, 2023

HURFOM: Members of the Mon Unity Party’s central executive committee recently criticized the January 26th military’s electoral law changes. Members view the changes as an abuse and restriction on political parties which they believe, violates the human rights of ethnic peoples.

All the ethnic political parties have to reduce their status from “Union Level” to “State/Division Level”. (The new electoral law) has banned the rights of the ethnic people. This is a huge human rights violation,said one CEC member.

A former CEC /MUP member noted that the new electoral law blocks or reduces the number of the ethnic lawmakers in the Union Parliament,  which is the highest legislative power in the country.

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Northern Ye residents dig bomb shelters for safety

February 14, 2023

HURFOM: Armed clashes between the Burmese army and the revolutionary joint forces take place nearly everyday in Northern Ye Township, in Mon State.

Now, residents are digging bomb shelters for their safety.

Because the military junta typically is excessive with their retaliatory air assaults and artillery attacks, residents from villages near Maw Ka Nin village and Lamine Town are digging bomb shelters to protect themselves.

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Reckless artillery attack kills a 12-year old and injures monk

February 14, 2023

HRUFOM: On February 10, 2023, the 317th Artillery Battalion which had been based near Maw Ka Nin new village, Ye Township, in Mon State launched an artillery attack on nearby villages.  The result of which killed a novice and injured a monk from Zu See Myine village.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region

February 13, 2023

Second Week of February 2023

HURFOM: The Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) remains concerned over the rapidly deteriorating situation in Southeastern Burma. Villagers in Mon State, Karen State and the Tanintharyi region have repeatedly told fieldworkers that they do not feel safe or secure. As the junta continues to increase their presence in civilian areas, the cause for concern becomes all the more urgent. Across the second week of February 2023, the military junta committed more widespread violations with impunity. 

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Ye residents face more restrictions with martial law

February 10, 2023

HURFOM: On February 2, 2023, the military junta announced that Ye Township, in Mon State would be ruled under martial law.  The Burmese military’s South East Command is now in control of the township.

Shortly after the imposition of martial law  the junta moved troops into Ye Town.

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