Junta’s artillery injures five family members including three children in Ye

June 10, 2024

HURFOM: On June 5th, 2024, a Major from the 106th Light Infantry Battalion based in Maw Ka Nin village, Ye Township, Mon State was captured by the resistance forces.

In response, the battalion launched an indiscriminate artillery attack at 9 pm on June 5th that injured five family members including three children.

The artillery attack continued until 1 am on June 6th, and one artillery shell exploded on a house in Car Sate Ward. The five family members who were sleeping in their home at the time sustained serious injuries.

Among the injured, the mother is in critical condition.

There were artillery, small weapons and bomb attacks the whole night. The attack continued until 1 am, the next morning. The artillery shells exploded in Car Sate Ward. Five villagers including three children were injured. They have been receiving treatment at Lamine (Hospital),” said a local villager.

From January 1st to June 6th, 2024, junta artillery attacks killed a child and injured other 13 villagers in Ye Township according to the data collected by the Rehmonnya FM.


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