Two children died in an armed clash in Bee Lin

June 1, 2023

HURFOM: On May 27, 2023, an armed clash between the military junta and the joint forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) occurred in Bee Lin Township, Mon State.  According to a local report,  two children died as a result of the fighting.

During the armed clash, a bomb dropped and exploded in a compound in Daung Yaw village and two children in the compound died at the scene,” said a local source.

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55 arrested and tortured, detainees ransomed, but only four released in Kaw Ka Rate

June 1, 2023

HURFOM: As many as 55 local residents from Kaw Ka Rate #Karen were arbitrarily abducted and interrogated by the Junta forces; only four were released by family members paying ransom demands. A total of 54 people were arrested and have been detained from May 7th to the 22nd in  a military camp.

Sources close to the released villagers confirmed that those remaining are being tortured on a daily basis, in the army interrogation center.

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Monthly Overview: While Cyclone Mocha Threatened to Destabilise Civilian Livelihoods and Safety, the Military Junta Continued to Deploy Attacks 

May 30, 2023

Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM)

In the wake of Cyclone Mocha, civilians in Burma braced for the worst as the powerful storm threatened lives and caused widespread destruction. While local emergency response teams worked to put preventative measures and safety protocols in place, the military junta continued to bombard civilians with air and ground attacks. Their immense suffering, even in the wake of a natural disaster, did not deter the regime from their attacks. 

The cyclone has affected the whole region, and yet days into the first week of May, the military junta deployed a series of targeted airstrikes on civilians in Southeastern Burma. A joint statement with the Karen Human Rights Group and the Karen Peace Support Network condemned attacks on 10 May by soldiers from Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) #599 under Military Operations Command (MOC) #13, together with other junta-backed infantry divisions and battalions. The attacks killed nearly 20 people, including several children. 

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Junta arbitrarily arrests villagers in Tenasserim

May 30, 2023

HURFOM: Villagers report that 9 residents of Bang La Moot village and East Maw Ton village in Tenasserim township, were arbitrarily arrested on May 22, and have still not been released.

All 9 were arrested as a group on the night of May 22 by the Artillery Unit No.306 and the joint unit of LIB No.557 for allegedly supporting the Local Defense Forces. The arrests took place around 9 PM. It is believed at least 3 women from East Maw Ton village and Panut village were included in the arrest, said a local resident.

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Junta bomb houses and religious buildings in Kaw Ka Rate

May 30, 2023

HURFOM: According to a ground report released by KNU Brigade 6′ information Department, last May 23, around 11:30 p.m., the junta Air Force dropped 2 bombs from a  jet fighter and damaged a number of houses, including a church in Kha Lae Law Kyae (aka) Pa Naw Pho Klo village in Maw Khee village tract in Kaw Ka Rate township #Karen.

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Villagers worry Administrator is extorting people over office construction in Thanbyuzayat

May 30, 2023

HURFOM: The residents of Thanbyuzayat reported that their Ward Administrative Chair is arbitrarily levying money from people to reconstruct the district administration office that was destroyed by an explosion.

On February 23 of this year, at around 6 a.m. The administrative office of Kyaung Paing in Thanbyuzayat city was destroyed by a bomb explosion. The roof and side walls of the administrative office building were damaged, and money is now being  collected to rebuild it.

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Child sexual abuse increase in villages but difficult to get justice

May 29, 2023

HURFOM: Mon women’s groups are warning of an increase in the number of child sexual abuse incidents in villages across Mon State with no action being taken by the authorities.

Women’s groups are unable to provide assistance to the victims due to the political crisis and security concerns.

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16-year-old girl arrested in Maung Ma Ka Beach: Family members unable to make contact  for three days.

May 29, 2023

HURFOM: On May 19, junta forces arrested girl from Maung Ma Kan village in Long Lone Township, #Dawei.   Now family members of the 16-year-old girl report that they were unable to speak with her until yesterday (May 22).

Junta troops arrested the teen, Ma Yin Phuu Pwit (aka) Tha Mee Lay,  at a family-owned restaurant in Maung Ma Kan Beach.

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Ye Township students transferring to another township due to security concerns

May 29, 2023

HURFOM: The military junta announced that from May 23rd to the 31st, will be the period for student registration for the 2023-24 academic year. Government schools will open on June 1, 2023.

However, because armed clashes between the military junta and the revolutionary forces have been intensifying in Ye Township, Mon State many parents of students decided to register in other townships.

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Military junta destroys road at base of “Kyaik Htee Yoe” Mount

May 29, 2023

HURFOM: On May 19, 2023, the military junta destroyed a village road at the base of “Kyaik Htee Yoe” Mount in Kyaik Hto Township, Mon State. The road connects Kin Moon Chaung and Saung Nine Kyi villages.

Military soldiers launched an artillery attack on Saung Nine Kyi village on May 19th. Then they entered the village and dug a 6-feet canal across the road, making it impassable.

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