August 2024: Monthly Overview of the Human Rights Situation

September 2, 2024

Monsoon Season Flooding Increases Livelihood and Security Challenges for Civilians in Southeastern Burma

Mass Flooding Delays Humanitarian Assistance as Villages Flood

Across Burma, the military junta’s attacks have left innocent civilians facing severe challenges. In August, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) highlighted how the monsoon season brought catastrophic flooding to the local communities. Thousands are battling to survive amid rampant inflation and scarce access to healthcare and social services. The rains have compounded issues by making key roads for transporting food, water, and medicine impassable. Over half the population in target areas such as Mon State, Karen State, and the Tanintharyi region are suffering from the repercussions of these floods.

Since July 24th, Mon State has experienced continuous heavy rainfall, leading to significant flooding in Mawlamyine, Thanbyuzayat, Chaungzon, Kyaikmayaw, Mudon, and Ye Townships. Low-lying areas and villages near rivers have been particularly affected, with approximately 100 villages submerged. Approximately fourteen people have been injured as a result, and the spread of water-borne diseases has been difficult to contain. In Kyaung Ywar village, floodwaters continued to rise, reaching up to 16 feet by 6 AM on July 28th.

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Junta’s artillery attack injures child in Bilin

August 30, 2024

HURFOM: On August 26th, 2024, despite the absence of any armed clashes, the junta’s 314th artillery regiment launched an indiscriminate artillery attack on Taung Kalay village, Dough Yat village tract, Bilin Township, Mon State.   The regiment is based in Zee Wun village and their attack injured a child, according to the Thaton District Karen National Union.

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Junta arrested an oversea worker from Kyikemayaw Township at Yangon Airport

August 30, 2024

HURFOM: An overseas worker from Kyikemayaw Township, Mon State who was enroute to Singapore for work was arrested and detained by the military junta at the Yangon International Airport.  His family has lost contact with him since the arrest.

“He was about to go to Singapore for work but was arrested at the airport. We don’t know why he was arrested and we don’t have contact with him. We also don’t know his whereabouts,” said one of his friends who is working in Singapore.

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Junta’s artillery and air assaults burn down nearly entire Ah Nan Kwin village

August 30, 2024

HURFOM: Since August 19th, 2024, there has been an intense battle between the military junta and the joint forces of the Karen National Liberation Army near Ah Nan Kwin village, Kyarinnseikyi Township, Karen State.

The junta bombarded the village with artillery and air assaults, burning more than 500 houses and forcing thousands of residents to flee.

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Young man killed by junta’s artillery attack in Kyike Hto

August 29, 2024

HURFOM: On August 24th, 2024, the 310th artillery regiment based in Thane Za Yat Town, Kyike Hto Township, Mon State launched at least ten indiscriminate artillery attacks on nearby villages.

One artillery shell exploded in War Dat Kwin village and debris from the explosion killed 23-year-old Ko Chan Myae Aung on the spot.

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Junta arrests six displaced villagers and an impoverished local man in Maung Ma Kan

August 28, 2024

HURFOM: On August 22nd, 2024, the military junta arrested six displaced villagers and a local man from Maung Ma Kan village, Long Lone Township, Tenasserim Division.

The People’s Defense Force attacked the Maung Ma Kan Police Station on August 17th, 2024 and on August 19th, a junta navy regiment launched an artillery attack on nearby villages. Troops then entered Tha Bot Sake and Maung Ma Kan villages.

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After introducing conscription, junta targets adult community to reinforce military

August 28, 2024

HURFOM: On August 16th, 2024, the junta announced the formation of “the Central Body for the Promotion of Public Security and Fight against Terrorism”, and adult men in the 35-65 age range must register for “Village/Ward Public Security Promotion Groups”.

Selected men must also join a short military training, according to the order and instruction released by the junta.

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Mon farmers fear heavy losses: Farm abandoned due to high product cost

August 27, 2024

HURFOM: For much of 2024, the farming industry in Mon State has experienced labor scarcity, high labor and product costs, leaving farmers fearing heavy losses after harvest season.

In addition, flooding and paddy pests have already destroyed many fields in Mon State.  Paddy farmers are expressing concerns that their farmland will be less productive.

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Intense battle forces thousands of residents from ten villages to flee homes

August 27, 2024

HURFOM: Since the third week of August, 2024, battles have been breaking out along the Thanbyuzayat-Three Pagoda Pass Road in Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State.  The intensity of the fighting forced thousands of residents from nearly ten villages alongside the road to flee their homes.

The battle is getting intense and the houses are destroyed. The monasteries are damaged. So both the villagers and the monks had to run away. All villagers from ten villages had to flee their homes,” said a local man.

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Elderly woman killed by artillery explosion in Long Lone

August 27, 2024

HURFOM: At about 5 pm on August 22nd, 2024, a battle took place between the military regiment who are based near the Dawei River in Sin Sake Ward, Dawei City, Tenasserim and the revolutionary forces on the opposite riverbank in Long Lone Township.

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