Junta trains 50 civilians to form “Public Security Team” in Ye Township

September 27, 2024

HURFOM: Since September 16th, 2024, the military junta had selected 50 middle-aged civilians from Mar Lar Ward, Ye Town and R Yu Taung, Too Myaung, Ah Sin, Ah Baw and nearby villages, Ye Twonship, Mon State and provided a military training at the 19th Military Operation Command based in Ye Town. The junta has planned to form a “Public Security Team” with those candidates.

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Junta arrests eight social workers and two civilians in Thanbyuzayat

September 27, 2024

HURFOM: From September 18th to 22nd, 2024, the military junta have arrested eight social workers and two civilians from Thanbyuzayat Town, Mon State after accusing them of supporting the People Defense Force.

On September 18th, the junta used excessive forces to raided the office of “Pine Shin Melt” social and rescue team in Aung Min Galar Ward, Thanbyuzayat Town and arrested five members including the chairman.

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Constant military tension causes labor shortage in Southern Mon State

September 26, 2024

HURFOM: Farmers in Ye and Thanbyuzayat Townships, Southern Mon State have been making their livelihood mostly by paddy (rice) farming, rubber and fruit plantations and they mainly rely on migrant workers from the upper Burma.

However, the armed clashes and military tension have persisted in the Southern Mon State since early 2024, and migrant workers are reluctant to work in the Mon State creating a serious labor shortage in local areas.

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Landmine explosions occur frequently in Thanbyuzayat:  Military tension persists

September 26, 2024

HURFOM: Since July, 2024, the military junta has been reinforcing their troop presence in villages alongside the Thanbyuzayat-Ye Highway Road, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State and they have frequently battled with the local resistance forces.

Along with this ongoing military tension, landmine explosions occur constantly in Ye Ta Gon, Aye Thar Yar and Ah Twin Sa Khan Gyi villages of the township.

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Junta’s regiment forces entire village to flee: Villager injured by artillery attack

September 25, 2024

HURFOM: On September 16th, 2024, a junta’s regiment consisting of about 150 troops had launched a military operation targeting Zar D village, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division.  The regiment stationed themselves outside the village, forcing the entire village to flee their homes.

Two days later, on September 18th, the regiment launched at least four artillery attacks on the village injuring a 40-year-old displaced man U Hla Tun who had returned to his home to get food.

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Junta’s regiment burns down houses in Maung Mell Shaung again

September 25, 2024

HURFOM: On September 20th, 2024, a junta’s regiment invaded Maung Mell Shaung village, Dawei Township, Tenasserim Division and battled with the local People’s Defense Force.

Three days after the battle, the regiment burnt down 30 houses, a displaced villager told HURFOM.

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Social and rescue teams collect service charge due to financial and other hardships

September 24, 2024

HURFOM: Since February 1, 2021, social and rescue teams in Mon State have been facing financial, socioeconomic, security and other hardships. While these teams have provided their services for free in previous years, they now have to collect service fees from villagers who request their services.

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Junta arrests five social workers in Thanbyuzayat

September 23, 2024

HURFOM: On September 18th, 2024, a joint military force consisted of about 20 troops raided “Pine Shin Melt” social and rescue team in Aung Min Galar Ward, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State and arrested five members including its chairman.

After the arrest, they all have been detained at Well Ka Lee based the 4th Advanced Military Training School and the 315th Artillery Regiment. As of today, we don’t know why they were arrested. It’s already two days and we have no trace of them,” said a Thanbyuzayat resident.

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Junta’s indiscriminate artillery attacks threaten lives of farmers and plantation workers

September 23, 2024

HURFOM: Since early September 2024, the light infantry battalions and the artillery battalions based in Ye Township, Mon State have been launching indiscriminate artillery attacks on nearby fruit plantations, rubber plantations, and farmland without having any armed clash in the area.

The indiscriminate artillery explosion in their workplaces has created fear among local farmers and plantation workers and forced them to abandon their plantation and farmland for years.

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KNLA continues extorting money from drug abusers in Yebyu

September 23, 2024

HURFOM: HURFOM has been informed that the cases of “arrest and extortion” by the Karen National Liberation Army are on the rise in Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division. Brigade’s #4 and #6 are active in the township and have arrested local young men after accusing them of abusing drugs. Then, the KNLA demands a huge amount of money from their family members for their releases.

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