Protective equipment for Covid-19, triples in price during third wave in Mon State

July 9, 2021

HURFOM: The rise of Covid-19 cases and an increasing death rate is impacting the price of personal protective equipment (PPE).

According to the local sources, the price for PPE items like hand sanitizer, face masks and related shielding has tripled in price.  Some PPE is even out of stock due to the high demand.

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COVID-19 death toll reaches new record in Mon State

July 7, 2021

HURFOM: The third wave of COVID-19, has resulted in more than 1,100 patients as of July 6, 2021 and the death rate is high, according to the local sources.

The death rate is more than that in the second wave and the virus has spread rapidly. In the past, just 50 cases were detected per day but now, we’ve found about 100 new cases daily,” said Ko Zin Moe from a rescue team in Mawlamyine.

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Price of rice increases as rumour of lockdown circulates

July 6, 2021

HURFOM: The number of COVID-19 cases has dramatically increased during the third wave and there is a rumor that the authorities may lockdown some specific wards or villages in order to control the spread of the virus.

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Weekly Update In HURFOM Targeted Areas (28 June – 4 July 2021)

July 5, 2021

A weekly update by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) on the situation on the ground. Summary data includes Mon State, Karen State and Dawei Region.

Weekly Analysis

As life under the junta’s rule reaches another month, HURFOM is still reporting increasing numbers of civilians being arbitrarily arrested, detained and victimised by the regime. Most of those targeted are young people, especially those active in protesters. Of those arrested, two were from Mawlamyine, two from Mudon, two from Paung, two from Dawei, and one from Hpa-An.

Civilians from Dawei were forced to pay junta security at various tollgates for travel permission. The amount ranged from 3,000 to 10,000 kyat. The payments are bribes, especially for those who cannot provide their national identification cards. Meanwhile, movement restrictions are still rampant between Mon and Thanintharyi regions. Of additional concern is the military’s Coastal Regional Command, based in Dawei, which deployed more troops with heavy artillery and ammunition to Yebyu township, and Dawei.

Villagers from four villages in Mudon, Mon State, were forced to support militia forces formed by the junta with each household being ordered to pay 1,000 Kyat for their activities.

Alongside the military’s devastation is rising COVID-19 cases. The total number of cases increased to over 580 in Mon State, and the death toll rose to 17. Despite this, the junta-appointed Ministry of Education decided to open schools and universities regardless. The decision has been regarded as selfish.

The Mawlamyine University Student Union announced that in a release of political prisoners, no student leaders, protesters or activists were released on 30 June and 1 July.

Approximately 12 guerrilla strikes were organised this week by local youth in Paung, Mudon, northern Ye townships as well as Thayet Chaung, Yebyu, and Long Lone in Tanintharyi Region.

June 2021 Situation Overview

July 2, 2021

HURFOM, Mawlamyine: In June HURFOM observed pro-democracy activists targeted alongside increasing midnight arrests in Mon State, Karen State and Dawei. Our monthly breakdown spotlights these injustices, which are ongoing & continue to unjustly target civilians. See in full:

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Total political prisoners released in HURFOM areas

July 1, 2021

Mawlamyine: HURFOM is relieved that some political prisoners in our target areas of #Karen #Mon #Dawei were released yesterday. However, many more remain behind bars for their pro-democracy activities. Peaceful protest is not a crime and yet the junta locks up anyone who defies their rule.

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Military junta fails to deliver, leaving fewer rescue and volunteer teams able to provide COVID-19 assistance

June 26, 2021

HURFOM: The third wave of COVID-19 has hit Burma.  The impacts are severe in Mon State, significantly reducing the capacity of local rescue and charity teams to provide assistance.

Prior to the coup, the civilian government was providing public education, dissemination of COVID-19 prevention and control measures. However, the military junta have proven to be very weak in doing those activities.

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COVID-19 public health measures not functioning under military junta

June 26, 2021

HURFOM: Mon State has been experiencing an increase of COVID-19 cases. As of June 23 there have been more than 200 cases reported.

Providing care to patients afflicted with the virus has become increasingly challenging due an inadequate number of healthcare staff.

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Weekly update in HURFOM targeted areas (14 June – 20 June 2021)

June 21, 2021

HURFOM, Mawlamyine: A weekly update by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) on the situation on the ground. Summary data includes Mon State, Karen State, and the northern Tanintharyi Region.

Weekly Analysis
Human rights violations are ongoing in HURFOM target areas as the junta continues to act with a disregard for the rule of law and democratic principles. According to HURFOM fieldworkers, the individual killed this week was shot and died on the spot by an unknown gunman. Those tortured were beaten during an arrest amid a strike. Of those injured, a villager was shot by security troops.

Brave, young protesters are moving forward with demonstrations despite the brutal crackdowns that often follow by the regime. Some protesters were injured during a strike which was violently dispersed by the junta in Thayet-Chaung, and Yebyu in Dawei.

There were 20 civilians abducted by the SAC in Kanet-Thiri village, Thayet Chaung Township in Dawei on 13 June. Midnight raids, arbitrary arrests against those associated with the anti-coup movement are ongoing. Arrest warrants were issued in Mudon Township, Mon State.

This week, the Ministry of Home Affairs began investigating political parties. Dr. Bhone Wai Oo, NLD’s party representative from Mudon, Mon State, was arrested.

All of these incidents speak to the continued state of silence and repression in Myanmar because of the junta’s violence. HURFOM will continue to monitor and release updates.

Number of COVID-19 patients on the rise: People neglecting health rules

June 21, 2021

HURFOM: Since the onset of the February coup to June 15, 2021, there have been more than 30 COVID-19 cases detected in Mon State,  and five direct deaths have been recorded.

Despite the continuing lethality of the pandemic people in Mon State are not paying attention to health protection rules to mitigate the spread of the disease.

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