NUG Human Rights Minister says military junta has killed 73 children to date
May 27, 2021

HURFOM: Since the military coup, and between February 15 to May 15, 2021, the military junta has killed 73 children, said the Human Rights Minister of the National Unity Government (NUG).
Because the military does not recognize the NUG, and has limited the abilities of the media to report on internal events within the country, the Minister made the statement via his social media page.
The children who have been murdered include, Ma Aye Myat Thu, an 11-year-old girl from Mawlamyine who was shot in the head on March 27.
She was shot while playing in her compound and died one hour after the incident. Her funeral was held on March 28 at a Burmese cemetery in Pane Nel Gone, Mawlamyine.
The majority of the dead are males (63), females (9) and one child whose gender was not identified.
The NUG Minister said the junta continues to kill its own citizens, and as a result the number of child deaths will likely increase.
The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) noted that the children in Burma have not received any kind of protection from the authorities.
Four bomb blasts within 2 days in Ye leads residents to fear false arrests by military
May 27, 2021
HURFOM: On May 19 and 20, 2021, there were four bomb blasts in Ye Township, Mon State. There were no casualties but some people were injured.
At around 8 pm on May 19, a bomb exploded at the Administration Office in Kyaung Yaw village injuring four people. An administrator appointed by the military junta, a member of a local militia group, a woman and a child were among those injured. The child’s injuries were severe.
Read moreTwo Mon political parties join meeting with UEC
May 27, 2021

HURFOM: On May 21, 2021, the Union Election Commission (UEC) which is controlled by the military junta held a meeting with political parties in Naypyidaw.
There were at least 23 political parties represented in the Assembly of the Union, and another 42 unrepresented parties. In addition there are another 63 defunct political parties.
Read moreWeekly Update in HURFOM Targeted Areas (17 May – 23 May 2021)
May 24, 2021
HURFOM, Mawlamyine: Security forces continue to wage war against civilians with impunity. According to HURFOM data, there were 12 cases of looting, confiscation, and destruction of property and mobile devices, as well as an additional 30+ cases of motorcycles being stolen by military troops in Dawei. There was approximately six million Myanmar Kyat confiscated. Of those arrested, one includes a Myanmar Red Cross Society member and medical doctors. The youngest detainee arrested this week is 17 years old.
Read moreKyarinnseikyi residents consider relocation due to armed clashes
May 19, 2021
HURFOM: The possibility of armed clashes in Kyarinnseikyi Township, Karen State is causing Mon residents to consider leaving their homes and moving to Mudon Township in Mon State.
The area is controlled by the Karen and Mon Ethnic Armed Organization.
Read moreMilitary junta to open schools but suspends more than 3,000 teachers in Mon State
May 18, 2021

HURFOM: The military junta has been trying to open schools for the 2021-22 academic year but it also suspended 3,181 schoolteachers and educational staff including 13 headmasters and headmistresses in Mon State.
Read moreSecurity tightens after NUG announces formation of PDF
May 12, 2021
HURFOM: On May 5, 2021, the National Unity Government (NUG) announced a People Defence Force (PDF) has been formed to end the terrorist acts of the military junta.
Following this announcement, the military junta tightened its security at the entrances of the towns and within downtowns across Mon State.
Read moreWeekly Update in HURFOM targetted Areas (25 April – 9 May 2021)
May 11, 2021

Weekly HURFOM update on the situation in #Karen #Mon & #Dawei since the military coup. Human rights violations are on the rise.
⚠️166+ Arrested
⚠️ 140+ Detained
⚠️ 7+ Injured
⚠️ 8 Killed
⚠️ 280 Arrest Warrants Issued
HURFOM recorded at least 370 motos and 5 cars confiscated, 50 cases of phone & money confiscation. The junta has specifically targeted young people and activists in the education sector.
MUP should reconsider cooperation with military council
May 11, 2021

HURFOM: The Mon Unity Party (MUP), which represents the whole Mon population, has cooperated with the military council, however, Mon activists say, there is no obvious benefit to the Mon people.
“I think there must be “give and take”. The Arakan party said this clearly. The Mon party must do the same. After cooperating with the military council, how much can we discuss our demands, and how can we achieve our goals? In my opinion, as of today, we’ve got nothing, but the military has been killing the people. So the MUP must reconsider the cooperation, said one Mon leader.
Read moreWeekly Update in HURFOM Targeted Areas (25 April – 9 May, 2021)
May 10, 2021
Weekly update on the situation in #Karen #Mon & #Dawei since the #coup. HRVs on the rise.

- 166+ Arrested
- 140+ Detained
- 7+ Injured
- 8 Killed
280 Arrest Warrants Issued HURFOM recorded at least 370 motos & 5 cars confiscated, 50 cases of phone & money confiscation