Concern over NMSP Ceasefire

August 5, 2008


In mid-May, the ruling regime SPDC officially announced that they won the Peoples Referendum with 92% of the vote. However many opposition and ceasefire groups in the country have reported the referendum as a sham.

The SPDC will move forward with its 7-point road map and will soon call for the registration of political parties to contest the 2010 Elections. Since many opposition parties and armed ceasefire groups do not trust the Referendum or the Constitution, it is likely they will oppose the elections. Read more

Urgent and More Assistance to Cyclone Victims – Hope

July 24, 2008


Although there was a visit paid by UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon and his massage “I come to Myanmar with a massage of Hope”, the people in Burma’s cyclone hit desvastated area still facing many hopelessness situations.

Only over 230 relief workers from UN Agencies were received visa from Burmese military regime by the end of June and UN also admitted that their relief efforts could reach to 40% of cyclone effected population after nearly 2 months of deadly hit cyclone. Read more

‘Commemorate her Birthday by Continuing her Fight’

June 19, 2008


Longtime fighter for justice and freedom in Burma, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi turned 63 today, June 19th. Inside Burma secret birthday celebrations will be held on her behalf across the country, as the Junta continues to detain her under house arrest.

Outside of Burma though many people of Burma now living in exile forgot the Nargis disaster for a brief moment today in a solemn celebration of her birthday, lighting candles in hope for her freedom. One group of people markedly not celebrating her birthday is the Burmese Military Government. The regime primary care is power, so they fear her Suu Kyi as a leader of the country’s democratic movement in Burma. Read more

SPDC’s Failure in Cyclone Mission

June 14, 2008

There are many sorrowful stories emerging from our contacts inside, telling how the people of Burma have suffered from Cyclone Nargis which devastated so many communities in the divisions of Irrawaddy and Rangoon. Various sources, including UN Agencies, have estimated that over 130,000 people are dead, about 250,000 people face an extremely difficult ongoing situation and about 2.5 million people are suffering with a lack of shelter and food. Read more

Its time for Burma to select an iconic leader

June 2, 2008

Lawi Weng:

Burma is looking for a national hero in the long run. Somebody, who could be their leader. There is an icon, who could provide leadership to the Burmese people—– Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The new leader should have the approval as well as the support of the people. The relief teams, which are helping the victims of Cyclone Nargis in the Irrawaddy Delta, could also provide a certain amount leadership to the Burmese people. Read more

UN and international community need to prioritize issues in Burma

May 29, 2008

Lawi Weng, HURFOM:

The extension of the detention period for pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for a further 12 months marks yet another sad day for the people of Burma.

The junta’s aspirations are clear. Releasing Suu Kyi may help promote democracy in Burma, and they don’t want that. They cannot allow her or her prominent followers, some of whom they continue to pursue and arrest, to re-enter the political arena. Read more

Manipulation in the People’s Referendum

May 28, 2008


The ruling military regime planned to win the May 2008 People’s Referendum at any cost because they already plan to win the 2010 Elections. In the People’s Referendum, the SPDC authorities and their supporters from USDA and other organizations planned to manipulate votes. Read more

Current Draft Constitution Does Not Move to National Reconciliation

April 29, 2008


In May, the SPDC will hold the “People’s Referendum,” to give approve its draft Constitution, which gives ultimate power to the armed forces. The Burmese Army will absolutely control the State powers – legislative, administrative and judicial.

Even if the Constitution is confirmed by manipulation of the SPDC, and without international monitoring, democracy will not be alive in Burma. Over a thousand of political prisoners will remain in prisons and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will be kept under house arrest. Read more

There will be no free and fair People Referendum

February 29, 2008

The Mon Forum

In order to officially endorse a new regime-drafted Constitution in Burma, the ruling military regime, known as the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), will soon arrange for a People’s Referendum. But until now, the people in Burma have not seen any copies of the draft constitution. They have are not being given the chance to read the Constitution and discuss it. Even if they had the time, the Burmese Army also does not allow people the freedom of expression to discuss on the issue. Read more

International organizations can, and should, help protect the people of Mon state

January 31, 2008


SPDC authorities and army troops in Southern Mon state and various parts of the Tenasserim Division have openly committed various types of human rights violations since the movement of international organizations began being restricted in conflict areas.

In the past, organizations like the International Committee of the Red Cross and some UN Agencies were able to protect civilians in Southern Township. The ICRC encouraged the Southeast Military Command in Moulmein, the capital of Mon state to cease some types of human rights violations such as conscription, forced labour, extortion, arbitrary arrests, land confiscation and killing. Read more

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