International organizations can, and should, help protect the people of Mon state

January 31, 2008


SPDC authorities and army troops in Southern Mon state and various parts of the Tenasserim Division have openly committed various types of human rights violations since the movement of international organizations began being restricted in conflict areas.

In the past, organizations like the International Committee of the Red Cross and some UN Agencies were able to protect civilians in Southern Township. The ICRC encouraged the Southeast Military Command in Moulmein, the capital of Mon state to cease some types of human rights violations such as conscription, forced labour, extortion, arbitrary arrests, land confiscation and killing.

We believe that the presence of international organizations can reduce human rights violations in rural conflict areas. Unfortunately, these organizations have not been present for some time. And the frequency of human rights violations is dramatically increasing.

UN Agencies, International NGOs, faith based organizations based in Rangoon and any other organizations that have lines of communication with the SPDC should seriously attempt to build a presence in southern part of Burma. For now, the human rights violations will continue.


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