There will be no free and fair People Referendum

February 29, 2008

The Mon Forum

In order to officially endorse a new regime-drafted Constitution in Burma, the ruling military regime, known as the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), will soon arrange for a People’s Referendum. But until now, the people in Burma have not seen any copies of the draft constitution. They have are not being given the chance to read the Constitution and discuss it. Even if they had the time, the Burmese Army also does not allow people the freedom of expression to discuss on the issue.

Although the SPDC does not print and distribute Constitution officially to the public, they put most of the articles of the new Constitution in a book called “Basic Principles and Articles for New Constitution adopted by National Convention.” This book describes all principles in constitution, notably that the members of the armed forces are guaranteed twenty-fiver percent of representation in all branches of the government. This is clearly an undemocratic Constitution.

Now, the military regime will sure to get people to vote for this Constitution. They will not allow international monitoring and experts to observe in People Referendum. They will not allow people to discuss or examine the constitution. But the people will be forced to vote.

It is clear that the People’s Referendum in May will be not free and fair. The new Constitution will not guarantee democratic rights or equal rights to ethnic nationalities. Peace and reconciliation in Burma will not occur after the constitution is confirmed.


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