Rice farming declines in Kyikemayaw due to armed conflict and security concerns

July 16, 2024

HURFOM: Rice farming in the rainy season usually starts in May in Burma, but due to armed conflicts and security concerns, only a small number of farmers in Kyikemayaw Township, Mon State are starting their rice farming.

Mon State has nearly 700,000 acres of rice farming in the rainy season and Kyikemayaw Township has 56,000 acres of farming. making it a major contributor.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi Region

July 15, 2024

A weekly update by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) on the situation on the ground. Summary data includes Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region.

As the military junta in Burma continues to commit widespread human rights violations, civilians are constantly fleeing to seek shelter and protection. Worryingly, the Burma Army has also intensified its surveillance tactics and is adding checkpoints to critical routes and then extorting those trying to pass. This comes amid rising inflation, including rice prices, which have left families struggling to survive.

At least thirteen villagers have been arrested, with some killed and others missing. Over the past week, junta troops entered Yebyu Township, capturing and killing several villagers while leaving others unaccounted for. Residents from the Zar Dee village tract, located in the Kan Bauk area and Dawei Special Economic Zone, reported the abductions and subsequent killings. Locals discovered the bodies of the captured and killed villagers.

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Detainee not released even after 15 days of arrest

July 15, 2024

HURFOM: On June 28th, 2024, the Mawrawaddy Navy Command arrested 29-year-old Ko Soe Pine, from Mi Kyaung Hlaung village, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division at his home.

Ko Soe Pine has not been released despite it being 15 days since his arrest. Family members have not been able to contact him.

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Junta’s forces recklessly kill girl in Long Lone

July 15, 2024

HURFOM: On July 10th, 2024, junta forces recklessly shot and killed a 17-year-old girl from Tha Pyar village, Long Lone Township, Tenasserim.

According to local sources, the military junta battled with the People’s Defense Force in the morning and then searched a house in front of “Nat Ye Yadanar” monastery. At that time, Ma Thet Htar Kine aka Ma Yine Yine Lay came out from a bomb shelter and the junta’s forces shot and killed her.

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Woman sustains serious leg injury from landmine explosion

July 15, 2024

HURFOM: On July 2nd, 2024, a 55-year-old woman Daw Shwe Shwe Tin, from Too Myaung village, Ye Township, Mon State stepped on a landmine while searching for bamboo shoots in a plantation nearby the 586th Light Infantry Battalion and sustained aserious leg injury.  according to local sources.

According to a resident from the village “The woman is receiving treatment at the Ye General Hospital now. She will have to be transported to the “Well Zin” Hospital of the New Mon State Party to have her leg amputated.”

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Woman killed by bomb dropped by drone in Kaw Bane

July 12, 2024

HURFOM: On July 8th, 2024, two drones dropped four bombs on Kaw Bane village, Kaw Ka Rate Township, Karen State killing a local woman and damaging three houses.

The deceased, 62-year-old Daw Khwar Mi, died on the way to the Mawlamyine General Hospital.

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Junta’s EPC extorts huge sums from Mawlamyine residents for dubious electricity bills

July 11, 2024

HURFOM: Since February 1, 2021, Mawlamyine residents’ access to electricity has been limited to three to six hours a day.  Since July, 2024, the Electricity Providing Committee (EPC) of the military junta is claiming that residents have to pay overdue electricity bills, amounting to tens of thousands of MMK.

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Civilian stuck in armed clash, shot and killed in Ye

July 11, 2024

HURFOM: On July 8th, 2024, an armed clash took place between the military junta and the People’s Defense Forces between Yaw Thit village and R Yu Taung village, Ye Township, Mon State.

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Four remaining Khaung Pyan residents released

July 10, 2024

HURFOM: On July 1st, 2024, the military regiment arrested eight local men from Zar D and Khaung Pyan villages, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division.

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Junta’s forces still target and extort VPN users despite claims that complaints are possible

July 10, 2024

HURFOM: On June 24th, 2024, junta spokesperson General Zaw Min Tun, said if one was arrested or extorted for using or installing VPN applications on mobile phones, they could file a formal complaint seeking further investigation.

However, junta’s security forces are still targeting VPN users and extorting huge sums of money from mobile phone users.

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