Plantations abandoned and peace of mind lost after 5th villager wounded by landmine in Kyaung Shar Kwin area since October

May 3, 2019

On April 23rd 2019, Daw Hnin Se, a 63-year-old woman from the Kyaung Shar Kwin area, near Alae Sakhan village, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Region, lost the large toe on her left foot when she stepped on a landmine while harvesting betel nuts. The woman was admitted to Dawei General Hospital following the incident but has since relocated to Yangon General Hospital with the financial support of area residents.

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Villagers point to Mawlamyine Cement Limited as concerns over environmental degradation and climate change grow

May 2, 2019

HURFOM: Increasing temperatures have prompted residents of Kaw Pa Naw village, Kyaikmayaw Township, Mon State to voice their concerns about climate change, with some linking local environmental changes to Mawlamyine Cement Limited’s (MCL) nearby operations.

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Soldiers who killed 7 civilians in Anan Kwin village to face criminal charges

April 11, 2019

HURFOM: As previously reported, seven villagers, including 3 children, were shot dead by members of Burma Army Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 339 in Anan Kwin village, Kyar Inn Seik Kyi Township, on April 5th 2019.

HURFOM has now learned that the eighth victim, who was initially reported to have died in hospital, regained consciousness on April 10th 2019. According to a friend of the victim, Mi Poe sustained serious injuries to her left abdomen and is still in critical condition. Read more

Government imposes unpopular rule aiming to reverse declining fish stocks, villagers say Mawlamyine Cement Limited to blame

April 10, 2019

HURFOM: Fisherfolk in Kyaikmayaw Township, Mon State, say that a ban on small-gauge fishing nets, which the government claims have contributed to declining fish stocks and biodiversity in the Attran River, are misdirected and will lead to increased financial hardship. In response to the ban, fisherfolk say they will continue to use these nets despite the risk of penalty and have placed responsibility for the decline on Mawlamyine Cement Limited (MCL). Read more

8 villagers shot dead in Anan Kwin village by members of Light Infantry Battalion No. 339

April 6, 2019

HURFOM: On April 5th 2019, at approximately 3:30 am, seven villagers from Anan Kwin village, Kyar Inn Seik Kyi Township, Karen State were shot dead by two soldiers from Burma Army Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 339. An eighth victim later died in hospital. In the wake of these events, villagers have begun to fear for their safety and well-being. Read more

Living Between 3 Fires: HURFOM’s International Mine Awareness Day 2019 Statement

April 4, 2019

HURFOM: Today, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) is celebrating the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action. This year’s theme, “United Nations Promotes SDGs – Safe Ground – Safe Home,” reminds us that landmines, explosive remnants of war, and improvised explosive devices are not found on some distant battlefield, rather, they are weapons of war that contaminate the very lands upon which millions of innocent men, women and children live, work, and play. Not only do these ordnances maim, kill, and ultimately rob civilian populations of the right to life, liberty, and security of person, they prohibit internally displaced persons and refugees from returning to their rightful homes, and can impede social and economic development by preventing communities from fully utilizing their lands and resources. Read more

Teenage girl in Mawlamyine Township overcomes every obstacle in search to hold her rapist to account

April 1, 2019

HURFOM: More than two years after she was first assaulted, a teenage girl from Zayar Thiri Region, Mawlamyine Township, Mon State is one step closer to justice as she awaits the sentencing of her uncle who has been detained by authorities since July 2018 on charges of rape. The girl’s husband, whom she was forced to marry in 2018, has also been detained on rape charges.

In 2017, following the death of her father and her mother’s second marriage, the girl and her younger brother were sent to live with their grandmother. It was in this residence that the girl was repeatedly raped by her uncle. Read more

Man arrested for attempted rape of his 17-year-old daughter in Kyar Inn Seik Kyi Township

March 22, 2019

HURFOM: A 50-year-old man from — village, Kyar Inn Seik Kyi Township, Karen State, has been arrested and detained by the New Mon State Party (NMSP) for the attempted rape of his 17-year-old daughter. The young woman reported the attack to the — village administrator who then informed NMSP authorities. It is alleged that the man has been abusing his daughter for years.

The incident occurred when the young woman, who now lives with her husband, had returned home to visit her family. Read more

Long-standing fear of military brought to surface after MNLA troops ordered to remove uniforms; civilians hit by military-owned vehicle

March 21, 2019

HURFOM: In what should have been a time of solemn remembrance, villagers’ deep-rooted fears of the military were brought to the surface owing to an encounter between the Mon National Liberation Army (MNLA) and the military, and another between the military and civilians.

On March 15th 2019, during the funeral ceremony for the venerable Abbot of Rehmonnya Nikarya Kaw Sein Monastery in Maw Kanin village, Ye Township, MNLA troops hired to provide event security were confronted by soldiers from Burma Army Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 106 who demanded that MNLA forces remove their military uniforms. Read more

Thousands of kratom trees destroyed by MNLA in Kyar Inn Seik Kyi Township indicates need for more effective drug treatment options

March 18, 2019

HURFOM: According to reports, on March 1st 2019 Mon National Liberation Army (MNLA) forces razed a kratom plantation located near Hnint Wae village, Kyar Inn Seik Kyi Township, Karen State.

Under the direction of the the New Mon State Party (NMSP) in Kyar Inn Seik Kyi, MNLA forces entered the property and destroyed thousands of kratom trees grown as a cash crop by the owner.

The number of trees was in the thousands, so we had to use two trucks to bring them to our district base. I think there are a lot of kratom trees left behind…We haven’t destroyed them all,” said Nai Jee, the Secretary of the NMSP in Kyar Inn Seik Kyi.

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