With HURFOM’s support, human rights defenders chart path forward for transitional justice in Mon State

June 14, 2019

On June 7th 2019, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) hosted a Transitional Justice Working Committee meeting at the Rehmonnya Hotel in Mawlamyine, Mon State. The 10-member committee, made up of residents from Ye Township, Yebyu Township, and Thanbyuzayat Township, met to devise a one-year action plan on how best to initiate a grassroots transitional justice process to address past human rights violations in Mon State.

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Funding crisis leaves majority of Mon National Schools unable to accept students on first day of classes

June 6, 2019

HURFOM: According to Nai Rot Ka Kao, a member of the Mon National Education Committee (MNEC), nearly three-quarters of all Mon National Schools needed for the 2019–2020 academic year require renovation, reconstruction, or have yet to be constructed. Currently, the MNEC does not have the budgetary capacity to cover the associated costs, leaving village-level education committees responsible for securing their own funding to renovate or construct individual schools. The school year begins June 3rd 2019.

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Sharing the Spirit of Protection: HURFOM’s World Environment Day 2019 Statement

June 5, 2019

HURFOM: On this World Environment Day, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) stands in solidarity with the countless many in Burma/Myanmar and beyond whose lives have been disrupted by the consequences of environmental degradation. A healthy environment is one that provides for health and well-being, but when the air, land, and sea fall into disrepair, it is those most intimately connected to the natural environment that suffer most.

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After seeking to profit from the rape of a young girl, corruption allegations follow police across Mon State

June 4, 2019

HURFOM: Allegations of police corruption stemming from two separate incidents in Mon State’s Mudon and Thanbyuzayat townships the rape of a young girl and the possession of illegal drugs have led to the opening of an investigation into police conduct, and have prompted villagers to file formal complaints with various state and Union-level government offices.

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Army captain gets 10-year prison sentence for shooting death of innocent civilian

May 24, 2019

On May 20th 2019, the Mawlamyine District Court sentenced Captain Aung Ko Ko Min from Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 587 to 10 years in prison for the shooting death of U Tin Soe Myint, a villager from Kalagoke Island, Ye Township, Mon State. The court’s decision comes one year and four days after the victim was shot and killed by the army captain for being unable to produce his National Registration Card (NRC).

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Mon State gov’t accused of extortion as villagers forced to forego compensation for land sold to Southern Myanmar Development Co. Ltd

May 23, 2019

HURFOM: Plantation owners from Aung Tha Pyay and Hnit Kayin villages, from whom the government purchased land to construct the soon to be completed Ye-Thanbyuzayat road, are accusing the Mon State government of extortion after the government withheld 20 percent of the compensation owed to each landowner. Villagers were to be compensated 10 million kyat (USD $6,519.22) for every acre of land they sold, but intimidation and threats of land confiscation have forced them to surrender one-fifth of their expected compensation to the government.

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Administrative delay and budgetary constraints prevent textbooks from reaching Mon National Schools

May 20, 2019

HURFOM: According to officials from the Mon National Education Committee (MNEC), the Union government has postponed the provision of new textbooks to Mon National Schools. The announcement comes as a shock to members of the MNEC who have come to rely on the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to provide textbooks at the beginning of each academic year. Currently, there is no clear indication of when the textbooks will be released, leaving the MNEC with little option but to purchase the materials from the DBE.

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Accusations of violating ceasefire agreement prompt NMSP to release Burma army soldier arrested for drug trafficking to Mon State police

May 9, 2019

HURFOM: On March 20th 2019, one Burma Army soldier and seven civilians were arrested by New Mon State Party (NMSP) authorities on charges of drug trafficking outside Kwan Hlar village, Mudon Township, Mon State. The eight were to be sentenced in accordance with NMSP law, though in compliance with demands from the Mon State government’s Ministry of Security and Border Affairs, on April 24th 2019, the NMSP released the soldier to the custody of Mon State police.

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No reason to celebrate: 11-year-old victim of brutal attack denied justice when police cite Thingyan as reason to delay investigation

May 6, 2019

HURFOM: A 30-year-old man from Ni Ton (Nidon) village, Kyaikmayaw Township, Mon State continues to evade arrest for the assault of an 11-year-old girl. It is alleged that the perpetrator, Nai B—, attempted to rape the young girl after finding her asleep near his home on April 15th 2019. At this time, it is unclear whether authorities are in pursuit Nai B—, and if the decision to delay processing this case allowed Nai B— to flee Ni Ton (Nidon) village undetected.

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HURFOM’s World Press Freedom Day 2019 Statement

May 3, 2019

Today, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) is celebrating World Press Freedom Day. HURFOM believes that a free and independent press is the foundation of a functioning democracy, and that any action taken to intimidate or silence journalists, and thus obscure and conceal the truth, is an attack on the principles of freedom, justice, equality, and representation upon which democracy rests. Press freedom holds the powerful to account, ensures that institutions remain fair and impartial, and provides people with the information they need to make informed decisions and exercise their political agency.

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