Defense Security Agency continues to surveil civilians

May 15, 2018

The Defense Security Agency, a special intelligence service formed by the Myanmar military, continues to collect information related to civic activities, according to the organizing committee of the 22nd Honorable Ceremony for the late President of the Mon People’s Front (MPF). Read more

Locals call for the shutdown of antimony factories in Mon State if the government fails to control the factories’ air pollution

May 15, 2018

HURFOM: On May 4, 2018, local people from Mawlamyine, Mon State called for the government to shut down Myanmar Shin Shin Antimony Purifying Factory and Myanmar San Zaw Antimony Purifying Factory in the Industrial Zone of Nyaung Pin Seik Ward, Mawlamyine, citing the factories’ air pollution.

At a consultation meeting with members of Mon State government, officials from government departments and the above-mentioned companies on May 4, local representatives said that the government should shut down the factories if they could not control the bad smell the factories emitted . Read more

Local farmers upset with lack of compensation for land use in electricity project

May 4, 2018

Farmers in three townships in Mon State are upset with Khin Maung Nyunt Co. Ltd. after the company failed to pay compensation for using their land. Approximately 21 local farmers in eight villages in Mawlamyine, Thanbyuzayat, and Kyaikmayaw townships are owed compensation from the electricity-providing company, who has been planning to provide 24-hour electricity in nearby villages. Read more

Controversially erupts after GAD dismisses two elected village administrators in Kyaikmayaw Township

May 3, 2018

WCRP: Two elected village administrators have been dismissed from their positions, according to a press conference on April 26th 2018 at the Southern Myanmar Journalists Network in Mawlamyine, Mon State. Mi Than Htey of Taranar village track and U Kyin Thein of Kyaik Paran village track, Kyaikmayaw Township, Mon State were accused of misbehavior in two separate events and subsequently fired. Read more

Andin locals practice mangrove forest conservation

May 2, 2018

Local residents from Parlain village, Andin village track, Ye Township, Mon State, are developing a mangrove forest conservation project in order to protect their natural resources against megaprojects that are harmful to their environment and ecosystem. The majority of Parlain residents rely on the surrounding environment for their daily livelihood needs. Read more

Sexual violence against children in Mon State up 42% in 2017

May 1, 2018

WCRP: Reported cases of sexual violence against children in Mon State rose by 42% in 2017, according to statistics from the Mawlamyine Police Station. This follows a trend seen around many parts of Burma, leading to widespread media coverage and public outrage. The Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) itself saw an 83% increase in the number of reported cases received in the last 12 months, as well as an 11-fold increase over the last five years. Read more

Mon Women’s Network to promote women’s voice during national political dialogue

April 27, 2018

WCRP: From April 24–25, 2018, the Mon Women’s Forum was held at Dhamma Karmi Monastery, Mawlamyine, Mon State. The Mon Women’s Network (MWN) organized the event in order to record the voices and opinions of Mon women, which they plan to present at the national-level political dialogue on the National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in Ye City from May 5–7. Read more

Karen Peace Support Network’s report launch cancelled

April 25, 2018

Today’s planned launch of Karen Peace Support Network’s (KPSN) new report has been cancelled. The report, titled The Nightmare Returns, focuses on the plight of recent Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Hpapun District, Karen State, who have been forced from their homes by the Burma Army, and highlights the ensuing humanitarian crisis. Read more

Disagreement over Representation Preventing NMSP from Joining Mon State Ceasefire Monitoring Committee

April 21, 2018

The New Mon State Party (NMSP) have yet to join the Mon State Joint Ceasefire Monitoring Committee (JMCS) due to a disagreement over NMSP representation in the Karen State and Tenasserim Division monitoring committees, according to an April 9th statement by NMSP Chairman Nai Htaw Mon. Read more

Mon Youth and Drug Forum Releases 6-Point Plan to Combat Drug Use Among Teens

April 20, 2018

A youth and drug forum was held April 2–3, 2018, in Kwan That village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State. The forum welcomed 153 youth participants and was organized by the Mon Youth Progressive Organization (MYPO) and several local youth groups. Read more

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