Mon students in need of educational support for university study

April 19, 2018

According to Mon students from Bop Htaw Education Empowerment Program (BHEEP) —run by the Mon National Education Committee (MNEC) — many struggle to find financial support to continue their studies after graduating.

After finishing our program, we have to serve with the New Mon State Party (NMSP) for two years. During this time, we’re preparing to get into a suitable university. When the university accepts our application, we have to apply for a scholarship program [in order to get funding],” said Mehm Kyae Chan, a Bop Htaw student from Kyar Inn Seik Kyi Township, Karen State. Read more

Owner of fishing vessel accused of trafficking laborers agrees to pay partial wages

April 4, 2018

Eight out of 23 fishermen in Ye Township, Mon State have been paid partial wages after submitting a forced labor complaint to the Mawlamyine District Labor Office on March 22nd. The owner of the fishing vessel has agreed to pay the partial salaries of the remaining fishing crew on Friday, according to a source. Read more

Locals upset with indiscriminate taxing of vehicles on Thanbyuzayat-Ye Highway in Mon State

April 4, 2018

HURFOM: Villagers in Ye Township, Mon State are crying foul over an entrance tax to Lamine Town that indiscriminately taxes travelers along the Thanbyuzayat-Ye Highway. The Lamine Sub-Township Municipal Department erected the toll gate at the Mawkanin village junction along the highway, however travelers who pass straight through and do not exit the highway at the junction toward Lamine Town are still forced to pay the fee. Read more

12-year-old domestic worker raped repeatedly in Chaungzone Township

March 29, 2018

During February 2018, a 12-year-old girl from Nee Mote village, Chaungzone, Township, Mon State, reported being raped nine times by married, 26-year-old U Soe Aung, who is the son of the young girl’s boss.

The girl lived with her aunt in Nee Mote village, Chaungzone Township. According to a neighbor, her aunt likes to drink alcohol and does not take proper care of the girl. Hearing that the aunt will allow her to go and stay at anybody’s place who will care for her, Daw Ma Grot from Ka Law village took the young girl to work in her ex-husband’s house as a maid. Read more

23 Ye Township fisherman trafficked and forced to work for more than 1 year without pay

March 28, 2018

HURFOM: Fishermen in Ye Township are struggling to meet their daily livelihood needs after remaining unpaid for a year’s worth of work. Twenty-three fishermen accuse U Aung Kyaw Soe from Buttamyar Ward, A Bor Kyar Tan village, Ye Township, Mon State of refusing to pay salaries after forcing them to work under dangerous conditions that led to the deaths of several colleagues. Read more

Attempted rape of an 8-year-old in Mudon Township, Mon State

March 22, 2018

On March 18th 2018, at approximately 9 am, 62-year-old U Tun Ti from Kwankabee village, attempted to rape an 8-year-old girl named Mi T— who lives in Kwankabee village, Mudon Township, Mon State. The perpetrator was arrested the following day by Kamarwat police. Read more

Extended power cuts troublesome for Thanbyuzayat Town businesses

March 22, 2018

HURFOM: Residents in Thanbyuzayat Town, Mon State, are upset over the lack of warning concerning power cuts. The Thanbyuzayat Electricity Department will be cutting power for the last two weeks in March in order to install a new transformer and improve the town’s electrical infrastructure. Read more

Three police officers in Mudon Township accused of extortion

March 21, 2018

Three police officers from Kamarwat Police Station, Mudon Township, are accused of extortion after demanding money and a vehicle from an Ah Bit village resident.

Just after midnight on January 18th 2018, three Kamarwat police officers, including Sub-Inspector Naing Phyo Aung, knocked on the door of Daw Aye Myint’s house in Ah Bit village, Sat Twe village tract, Mudon Township, demanding tax money and a vehicle. Read more

Activists blame police corruption for rise in drug use among young people in Mon State

March 20, 2018

HURFOM: Police corruption and inaction is fueling the drug trade in Mon State, according to activists from Ye Township. They argue this has led to increasing drug use among young people, particularly teenagers and students.

“The police are weak in terms of drug control, and by weak I mean that the police are also [corrupt and] involved in the drug trade,” said an activist from Ye Social Society (YSS). Read more

Corrupt land acquisition by stone mining companies leading to unemployment, according to Paung Township locals

March 20, 2018

Unfair and corrupt land acquisitions by stone mining companies in Paung Township, Mon State, have led to unemployment, according to locals in Kyone Ka village. Residents also lay part of the blame for the loss of their plantations and livelihoods at the hands of the General Administration Department (GAD) and local Land Records Department. Read more

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