Child rights committee holds strategic planning workshop in Mae Sot

February 8, 2016

WCRP, Mae Sot: On February 1-2, organisations from the border and inside Burma attended a strategic planning workshop in Mae Sot, Thailand, organised by the Committee for the Protection and Promotion of Child Rights (CPPCR). Read more

In Yebyu Township, villagers dream of living and working in peace

February 5, 2016

HURFOM: In the past month HURFOM has reported twice on recent threats of extortion faced by villagers in Yebyu Township, located in northern Tenasserim Division, at the hands of splinter group forces. As residents in Sin Swe and Sein Pon villages look to the future, they dream of living and working in peace. One question, however, remains unanswered: as Burma’s democratic transition continues, how much longer until their dreams will finally become reality? Read more

Voters highlight poor communication and transparency in Thanbyuzayat Township local elections

January 28, 2016

Villagers in Mon State’s Thanbyuzayat Township have complained about a lack of communication and transparency in recent local elections.

Throughout January, Thanbyuzayat Township residents have taken part in elections to select new village heads, in polls that will cover 41 village tracts. According to Thanbyuzayat Township’s administrator, the elections will run from January 12 to 31, and have so far been completed in 39 village tracts. Read more

Yebyu Township villagers speak out about splinter group extortion

January 22, 2016

Yebyu: On the border of southern Ye Township, Mon State and northern Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Region, villagers are beginning to speak out about frequent demands for money from Mon splinter groups. Read more

Female candidate beats male competition in Mon State village poll

January 20, 2016

WCRP:On Sunday Mi Ja Lon Htaw, a former schoolteacher and Mon National Education Committee (MNEC) administrator, beat male opponents to be elected administrator of Tarana village tract, located in Kyiakmayaw Township, Mon State. Read more

Unknown armed group extorts over 1m Kyat in one night from Yebyu Township villagers

January 19, 2016

On the night of December 26 last year, an unknown Mon armed group extorted over 1 million Kyat from residents in three Tenasserim Division villages. The villages visited by the armed group were located in Min Thar and Nat Gyi Sin village tracts, situated in Tenasserim Division’s Yebyu Township. Read more

Child labour rife on Setse Beach

January 19, 2016

WCRP:In the town surrounding Setse Beach, located in Mon State’s Thanbyuzayat Township, concerns are being raised that children are increasingly being employed to service the popular beach’s burgeoning tourist industry.  Read more

Villagers dispute re-election of Southern Ye Village Administrator

January 14, 2016

Ye: Villagers in Kyon Nyae village tract, located in southern Ye, Mon State, have expressed disapproval over the re-election of their sitting Village Administrator, Nai Htun Kyi, who has served in his post for over 10 years. While the village committee remains supportive of Nai Htun Kyi, a group of villagers are preparing to send a letter of complaint to various government departments, demanding the election of a new village head. Read more

Wagaru village farmer’s appeal for justice falls on deaf ears

January 13, 2016

Thanbyuzayat: Five years ago, a member of a government-linked militia seized a half-acre piece of community land from Nai Kon Ru, a landowner who had for years been working on the land in Wagaru village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State. Like many landowners across the country, he is still struggling to reclaim his land. Nai Kon Ru spoke to HURFOM amid growing frustration over the slow handling of his case and accusations of corruption among local officials handling appeals. Read more

Attempted robbery leads to deaths at Wagaru Village, Thanbyuzayat

January 7, 2016

HURFOM: On December 19, 2015, a militia force member offers arrested a 30-year-old man from Wagaru village, Thanbyuzayat Township, in connection to an attack and attempted robbery that left the victim and a police officer dead and three others seriously injured. Read more

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