Voters highlight poor communication and transparency in Thanbyuzayat Township local elections
January 28, 2016
Villagers in Mon State’s Thanbyuzayat Township have complained about a lack of communication and transparency in recent local elections.
Throughout January, Thanbyuzayat Township residents have taken part in elections to select new village heads, in polls that will cover 41 village tracts. According to Thanbyuzayat Township’s administrator, the elections will run from January 12 to 31, and have so far been completed in 39 village tracts.
However, locals have complained about poor communication and transparency in election processes, pointing the finger of blame to incumbent village heads.
Voters expressed worries that incumbent administrators have compromised processes in a bid to secure their own re-election. “It should not be this way,” said one villager, “it is against the rules. There is no transparency.”
So far, 14 incumbent village administrators have been re-elected to their posts.
The Township Administrator’s office confirmed reports of foul play by former administrators and their clerks. According to the Deputy Head of the Township Administration Office, “The elections have not taken place systematically. No one has exact information about which date elections will take place. They just hold the elections when it is convenient for them.”
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