Locals plead: justice and accountability in torture case
June 11, 2012
HURFOM: The local community in Chaung Zone Township, Mon State, is asking the Mon State government to pursue fair judicial proceedings and accountability in the suspicious case of a young villager recently tortured after being accused of murder. Certain Mon community and religious leaders are emphasizing the government’s failure to clearly undertake an investigation or impose consequences for arbitrary torture committed by the police. Read more
Women narratives: the life of a refugee
June 11, 2012
WCRP: Her alias is Naw La Marn and she is 31 years old. She has two sons (nine and twelve) and a six-year-old daughter. She grew up in the village of Kyaut Pyat in Kawkareik Township, Karen State, where she worked on a farm in her youth. But when Naw La Marn was 14, her family left home and never returned. When she married at age 18, the wedding was held in a refugee camp. Read more
Women IDPs and refugees continue to face challenges to livelihood
June 6, 2012
HURFOM: Women’s livelihoods in resettlement areas remain insecure due to shortages of food and employment. Although female internally displaced people (IDPs) and refugees face demanding environments in their respective camps, most of them do not want to go back to Burma. They worry that they will not have a place to live and do not trust the government to assume responsibility to help them resettle. Read more
DPW Analyzes Human Impact of Dawei Deep-Sea Port Project
June 5, 2012
HURFOM: The human rights and environmental advocacy group Dawei Project Watch released their assessment “No Rights To Know” investigating the lead up to and implementation of the Dawei deep-sea port project in the end of May 2012. The revealing document demonstrates how local residents did not have prior knowledge that a special economic zone was to be constructed right on top of their villages, because project authorities developed the plan in secret. Villagers were not afforded the rights to be involved in decision-makingor notified of key information that directly impacts their lives. Many residents now wonder and worry how the project will affect their communities, specifically security for young women and threats to cultural identity, customs, language, food supply, and other local resources. Read more
Young women leading community development projects
June 1, 2012
HURFOM: For the first time, villages in Ye and Yebyu Townships are receiving community development projects led by women. Traditionally, most women in these Townships do not participate in leadership roles, and communities may doubt their ability to achieve development goals. However, these recent projects developed new infrastructure and became a source of pride for the young women, but most importantly, they changed the way villagers think about female roles in the community. Read more
Torture and ill-treatment in Burma: Findings from the Human Rights Network report
May 31, 2012
HURFOM: The Network for Human Rights Documentation – Burma (ND-Burma) released a special report that documents accounts of torture and ill-treatment since 2010. The report analyzes testimony from two primary places: ethnic areas where the Burmese Army is actively engaged in armed conflict, and detention centers where political prisoners are interrogated and confined. Read more
Absent rule of law and human rights abuses in Three Pagodas Pass border town
May 30, 2012
HURFOM: Although the government has signed ceasefire agreements with the ethnic armed groups Karen National Union (KNU), Democratic Buddhist Karen Army (DKBA), KNU Peace Council (KPC), and the New Mon State Party (NMSP), the Thailand-Burma border town of Three Pagodas Pass still remains outside the rule of law, rife with corruption, extortion, arbitrary taxation, and other human rights abuse committed by government authorities, the Burmese army, and armed ethnic groups. Read more
Examination and Critique of the 2012 Farmland Bill
May 29, 2012
Analyzing the Pyi Daung Su Hluttaw Law No.11, 2012
The Farmland Law was enacted and approved by Burma Pyi Daung Su Hluttaw (Burma Union Parliament) on March 30th, 2012. Read more
Children at highest risk for malaria in Tavoy Township
May 29, 2012
WCRP: In April 2012, the Mon National Health Care Committee (MNHC) and the Border Health Initiative found that malaria is affecting more children than adults in Tavoy Township, Tenasserim Region. They facilitated a health education program for early prevention and tested people for Malaria in 7 villages in Tavoy Township. The program provided education, checked blood samples for malaria, provided medicine, and explained how to prevent contracting malaria, dengue fever (DF), and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Read more
Yebyu residents ask the incumbent government to control its troops as violations persist
April 11, 2012
A report detailing mounting human rights violations in Yebyu territory, titled, “Government’s Navy Units Continue to Violate Rights of Locals in Yebyu Township,” was published on January 20, 2012, on the Human Rights Foundation of Monland’s website (HURFOM/www.rehmonnya.org). Since then, continued monitoring has indicated that the violators–low-ranking soldiers and officials of the Mawrawaddy Navy Command naval administrative unit No. 43–have been blatantly disregarding the human rights of local residents who make their living in fishing and cultivation. The growing violations committed by government troops against civilians are unacceptable and unbefitting to a transition period during which the country is carefully taking steps in a new direction. This short report aims to force the governors and chief ministers of their particular states or divisions to stop the unit No. 43 navy administrative officials from repeatedly violating locals’ rights. In February and March, three field reporters interviewed 22 villagers in order to present the events and opinions found in this report. Read more