Forced militia training conducted in Ye Township
August 8, 2009
HURFOM: On July 3rd, the Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 343 led militia training in Ye Township. The LIB forced residents to choose between participating or paying a 6,000 kyat fine.
Nai Myo, a Arutaung villager explained, “At about 9:00 AM the village headman Nai Htun Thin announced every household has to attend the militia training, which [was] lead by the LIB No. 343. He said that this announcement came from the LIB No. 343, and everyone must follow the policy. He said the LIB No. 343 needed about 50 people from our village to attend the training.” Read more
Motorbikes and money taken from Yebyu township residents
August 7, 2009
HURFOM: Beginning in early July, the chairman (headman) of Kyauk Kadin village, Yebyu Township, has begun levying a taxes of work, motorbike usage, and money on the villagers. According to sources, the request for the bike came directly from the army, while the tax of labor and money are for his own benefit. Read more
Wait and See for ASEAN Human Rights Commission
July 31, 2009
There are still many human rights violations committed by the State against its citizens in some ASEAN countries, especially Burma or Myanmar. While the ASEAN leaders are agreeing to form the ASEAN HR Commission, there is increased oppression by the SPDC against its opponents in Burma. Read more
The Coming Crisis of Brigade No. 6: Analysis of the Current Abuses Committed Against the Karen Population
July 31, 2009
At the end of February 2009, the Karen Democratic Buddhist Army (DKBA) and State Peace Development Council (SPDC) joined forces in preparation for a campaign against the Karen National Union (KNU) territory to rout and destroy the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA). The ensuing campaign has changing the face of regional politics, long dominated by the presence of the KNU and its armed wing the KNLA. With the loss of KNU Brigade No. 7, the KNU has been placed in an endgame position, preparing to defend the hart of its territory, Brigade No. 6, heavily populated with ethnic Karen. The fallout from Brigade No. 7’s defeat produced a tide of refuges who fled to locations along the Thai-Burma border, and the UNHCR administered refugee camps. They arrived bearing reports of abuses committed by SPDC and DKBA forces. As the joint SPDC and DKBA force positions itself to carry out their assault on Brigade No. 6, HURFOM focuses this months report on the on going human rights abuses in the southern Brigade No. 6 area, that will form a crisis broader and more terrible then that seen with the fall of Brigade No. 7.
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Frustrated by military abuses, young Mon men join Rehmonnya group
July 27, 2009
HURFOM: Pervasive human rights abuses are being suffered by Mon residents in Tenassarim Division at the hands of the Burmese army; in response, many young men have joined the Mon insurgent group Rahmonnya.
One young man, a Kyaukadin resident formerly involved with Rehmonnya, told a HURFOM field reporter that the army oppressed and abused his villagers, including forced portering and battalion support fees. Read more
Burmese military demands food supplies using DKBA name
July 24, 2009
HURFOM: In a internal document issued on July 19th 2009, the Burmese military Southeast Command (SEC) instructed Tactical Command No.1 based in the Anankwin, Three Pagoda township to force household to give two baskets of rice and other vegetables (1basket equal to 32 Kg) to military forces. If a household does not have the rice to meet the demands, the military will take 10,000 kyat. Read more
Corruption and arbitrary taxation on road repairs in Hangan
July 15, 2009
HURFOM: The Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) in Hangan village collected money from villagers for road repairs.
According to a resident of the Southern Ye Township, Mon State village, on the first week of July, the VPDC chairman and various members collected 5,000 kyat from every household in Hangan village for the cost of repairs. Read more
10th grade students have to give headmistress 20,000 kyat
July 14, 2009
WCRP: 10th grade students were required to pay 20,000 kyat to the headmistress in Kawdut village, Ye Township, Mon State, said a local source.
The families of the students who passed their exams were expected to each shoulder the fees; 31 of 60 students passed in March. Read more
Two DKBA soldiers desert
July 7, 2009
HURFOM: Many young people have to flee their homes in Karen State, due to recruitment for Border Guard Forces (BGF) and other government-run militias, and increased militarization.
According to two soldiers who deserted from the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), “Some of the DKBA higher-ranking Generals agreed with the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) to be a BGF; therefore, the DKBA tries to recruit for the BGF…many young people have been fleeing from their home to avoid the recruitment.”
Two arrested, tortured without evidence after Three Pagodas bomb blast
July 3, 2009
HURFOM: Because two bombs exploded in Three Pagodas Town, the Burmese army ordered the residents to increase the security.
Some locals and ceasefire leaders told HURFOM that they expect that the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) will attempt to use this event to ensnare cease-fire groups to act as Border Guard Forces (BGF). Read more