Wait and See for ASEAN Human Rights Commission

July 31, 2009

There are still many  human rights violations committed by the State against its citizens in some ASEAN countries, especially Burma or Myanmar.  While the ASEAN leaders are agreeing to form the ASEAN HR Commission, there is increased oppression by the SPDC against its opponents in Burma.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been framed in her arrest as she did not commit any crime when an American got into her house.  Many political analysts believed that she will be jailed for another 5 years until the SPDC completes their election and establish a stable government.  While the SPDC is planning to hold the elections in 2010, there are still about 2000 political prisoners in jail.  At the same time, the SPDC conducts a military offensive against the KNU, forcing thousands of Karen people have to flee from their native villages and take refuge in Thailand’s border camps.

How will the ASEAN leaders or the newly formed ASEAN HR Commission will handle human rights problems with the regime?   Whether the new HR commission can appeal to the SPDC to stop these human rights violations is unknown.  If the HR Commission is not effective, it is like a toothless tiger.

The people in Burma still think that the ASEAN’s HR Commission is similarly to UN HR bodies and agencies.  They cannot totally persuade the SPDC to stop human rights violations against its citizens.  We will have to wait and see.


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