New Briefing Paper by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland Condemns Privacy Violations & Increased Surveillance by the Junta
September 15, 2021
HURFOM: A new briefing paper by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM), “We have lost our private sphere:” the infringement of privacy rights under the military junta in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region, finds civilian rights to privacy have been eroded by the power-seeking junta. Since the attempted coup on 1 February, the regime has taken steps to extend their authority into civilian homes and their personal devices. Through premeditated amendments to Burma’s legal framework, the junta has endeavored to justify their assault on fundamental privacy rights.
Read morePress Release: IDP Communities Struggling to Survive as COVID-19 Restrictions and Quarantine Measures Causing Destitution in Southeastern Burma/Myanmar
July 15, 2020
For Immediate Release
HURFOM, 15 July 2020: Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in remote communities in southeast Burma/Myanmar are struggling to survive. COVID-19-related restrictions on the freedom of movement in these areas—often under the administration of multiple ethnic armed organizations (EAOs)—make it almost impossible for villagers to access livelihoods, generating looming food shortages, exacerbated by the start of the rainy season. In response to these issues, HURFOM is publishing: “Left Behind and Destitute: How IDP Communities in Southern Burma/Myanmar Are Struggling to Survive during COVID-19” (English / Burmese).
Read moreHURFOM report shows worrying trend in sexual violence against children in Mon State and Mon areas of southern Burma
July 25, 2018
HURFOM’s Women and Child Rights Project (WCRP) releases: ‘“A Girl’s Life was Destroyed”: Sexual violence against children continues to rise in Mon State and Mon areas of southern Burma’. The report documents 14 cases of sexual violence against children, including 11 cases of child rape, which have occurred since June 2017 in Mon State and Mon areas of southern Burma..” [Download Full Report] Read more
HURFOM Releases “‘I Still Remember’: Desires for acknowledgement and justice for past and ongoing human rights violations in Mon areas of southern Burma”
December 10, 2017
In commemoration of International Human Rights Day, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) releases “‘I Still Remember’: Desires for acknowledgment and justice for human rights violations in Mon areas of southern Burma.” [Download Full Report | Brief Report | Brief in Burmese] Read more
WCRP releases “Cracks in the Silence: Sexual violence against children and challenges to accessing justice in Mon State and Mon areas of southeast Burma”
March 23, 2017
Today HURFOM’s Women and Child Rights Project (WCRP) releases their latest report, “Cracks in the Silence: Sexual violence against children and challenges to accessing justice in Mon State and Mon areas of southeast Burma.”Report in English | Burmese Read more
HURFOM conducts FDI study to halt exploitation and violation in Mon State
July 30, 2016
Today the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) releases ‘Examining Foreign Direct Investment in Mon State, Burma’, a report focusing on the effects from the recent surge of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) coming into Mon State, Burma. Report in English | Burmese Read more
Parlain villagers conduct ecosystems study to combat Toyo-Thai coal power plant
September 24, 2015
Villagers from Parlain region, located in Mon State’s Ye Township, have conducted research into the importance of local ecosystems and natural resources, aiming to use this study to combat plans to build a coal-fired power plant in their area. Amongst other concerns, the study highlights how the coal-fired plant would significantly disrupt the local fishing industry, which plays a key role in Parlain’s economy. Read more
Yearning to be heard: Mon Farmers’ continued struggle for acknowledgement and protection for their rights
February 12, 2015
In October 2013, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) released Disputed Territory, a report documenting the emerging trend of Mon farmers fighting for recognition of their land rights in the face of unjust land and property confiscations. The report analyzed specific barriers impeding their success, from weak land policy and inadequate dispute resolution mechanisms, to an absence of support from various sources. Read more
Disputed Territory: Mon Farmers’ Fight Against Unjust Land Acquisition And Barriers To Their Progress
October 9, 2013
A. Introduction
Over the years HURFOM has produced a number of accounts highlighting the hardships faced by Mon farmers who became victims of land confiscation or unjust land acquisition.[1] In this report HURFOM follows-up on previously documented abuses and concentrates on an emerging new trend: farmers’ active and collective pursuits for rights to their land.HERE Read more
Bitter pills Breaking the silence surrounding drug problems in the Mon Community
June 20, 2013
In late 2012 the New Mon State Party (NMSP) initiated a vigorous anti-drugs campaign throughout various Mon communities in Burma.1 Arrests of numerous drug smugglers were made, drug-using youth were sent to NMSP rehabilitation centres, and signs were erected in villages calling on residents to resist and combat drug use. This wave of action brought an issue to the table that had thus far been surrounded by silence from relevant authorities. Prior to this, domestic and international discussions of Burma’s drug problems had largely been restricted to regions in Upper Burma, in particular Shan State. However, NMSP action highlighted that drugs were also prevalent in Mon communities and were being abused by Mon youth. Read more