14 year-old girl raped in Mawlamyine

March 23, 2015

A fourteen-year-old girl from Ngantay Quarter, Mawlamyine, Mon State has been raped by a 22 year-old male on March 13, 2015.

It has been reported that the girl was raped more than once, without her consent.

At 8 pm in the evening of March 13th, Ma ……. , 14 years-old, left the house to buy something at a nearby shop when she came upon U Thein Myint’s son Myint Zaw Oo, nickname Kalar who told her to “follow me a moment, I have something to talk [to you about].”

At that point, Myint Zaw Oo took the young girl to the View Point located on the hill in Mawlamyine, where he raped her for the first time. He then took her to a palm wine shop in Pain Nel Kone Village in Kyaikmayaw. The wine shop was deserted, and Myint Zaw Oo raped Ma ………. a second time. The perpetrator then took the girl to an abandoned boat in Pain Nel Kone Village’s boat haven, where he raped her on the boat. The victim reported that she was raped three times, consecutively.

Ma ………. left her home to go to the corner shop on March 13th, and did not return home. Her parents went looking for her and found her three days later, on March 16th, staying at a relative’s house in Pain Nel Hone Village, in Kyaikmayaw.
Her mother brought the case to court on March 17th, whereupon the perpetrator, Myint Zaw Oo, was sentenced under penal code 363/376 in Mawlamyine’s Zeya Thiri Police Station.

Just last year, a 16-year-old girl was raped by a 74-year-old man in Taung Sone Village, Chaungzone Township, Mon State. The perpetrator was sentenced under penal code 376 in Mawlamyine Court.



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