Junta threatens donors who provide health care to political prisoners

September 9, 2024

HURFOM: The junta do not provide a good and fair health care system in prisons across Burma and it has also monitored and threatened individual or group or organization who provides health care to political prisoners.

Political prisoners don’t have money so treatment is delayed. Some are in critical condition so their family members have to borrow money from their friends,” said a social worker who helps political prisoner.

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Junta’s artillery attack kills a civilian in Ka Lane Aung

September 9, 2024

HURFOM: On September 1st, 2024, Kan Bauk based Mawrawaddy Navy Command launched artillery attack to Ka Lane Aung Town, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim and one of the artillery shells dropped and exploded on a house of 50-year-old U Maung Thein who lived in Aung Mittar 3rd Street, Ka Lane Aung Town.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi Region

September 9, 2024

Series of Landmine Explosions in Local Villages Leave Several Injured

In recent weeks, the number of landmine-related injuries has surged in target areas of the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM), including Mon State, Karen State and the Tanintharyi region. Landmines continue to be a hazard for civilians, causing death and injury. Unseen often before it is too late, the junta intentionally places landmines in civilian areas. Burma has not acceded to the Mine Ban Treaty, despite an initiative launched by the International Campaign to Ban Landmines in 2003.

In Thanbyuzayat Township of Mon State, several residents suffered severe injuries and life-threatening wounds. These incidents, occurring near the Eon Saw Mon rubber factory and surrounding areas, underscore the growing danger posed by landmines in the region.

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Two local men injured by junta’s artillery attack

September 9, 2024

HURFOM: On September 3rd, 2024, the 207th artillery regiment attacked the downtown area of Thane
Za Yet Town, Kyike Hto Township, Mon State and one of the artillery shells dropped and exploded nearby the “Ah Nyar Thar Lay” Restaurant located in front of the “Dhamma Duta” Monastery.

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Junta arrests a couple in Chaung Zone

September 9, 2024

HURFOM: On September 5th, 2024, the military junta has arrested a couple from Yaw Lut village, Chaung Zone Township, Mon State at their home.

The soldiers and police members arrested U Zaw Min and his wife Daw Aye Nine at noon and accused them of committing fraud and human trafficking.

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KNU arrests two young men in Yebyu and extort money for their release

September 6, 2024

HURFOM: On September 1st, 2024, the Brigade #6 of the Karen National Liberation Army operated under the Karen National Union arrested 28-year-old Ko Soe Pine and 23-year-old Ko Myo Si Thu from Thar Yar Mon village, Yar Phu village track, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division.

They didn’t come back home from the plantation in the evening so we made an inquiry. But the KNU phoned us at about 9 pm. They said my sons abused drugs and they arrested them. If I wanted my sons alive, I had to visit them,” said the mother of the victims.

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Junta launches military operation for ten days in Long Lone forcing 5,000 residents to flee home

September 6, 2024

HURFOM: Since the third week of August, 2025, the two regiments of the military junta have been launching operation in Maung Ma Kan, Tha Bot Sake, Pyin Gyi, Phwar Boat Pyin, Bu Chai and Kyauk Sin villages, Long Lone Township, Tenasserim Division for more than ten days and forced more than 5,000 residents to flee their home.

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Many villagers suffer from skin diseases in Long Lone and junta bans transportation of medicine

September 5, 2024

HURFOM: Since June, 2024, many residents from villages in Long Lone Township, Dawei District, Tenasserim Division have been suffering from skin diseases but the military junta has banned the transportation of medicine creating health problem to the patients.

In June, July and August, 2024, approximately 600 residents from Out Kyauk Wut, Kyauk Wut Pyin, Kyauk Mat Tat, Kyat Hlot, Nyaung Pyin and Htut Nat villages have suffered from skin diseases and seasonal flu.

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Junta shoots and arrests four young men in Paung

September 5, 2024

HURFOM: On September 2nd, 2024, the military junta had shot and arrested four young men from Tha Bue Chaung village, Paung Township, Mon State after accusing them of being the members of the People Defense Force.

A group of local young men were drinking alcohol at the market of Tha Bue Chaung village while about 20 soldiers and police members came to shoot and arrest them at 8 pm.

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Five arrested Shat Pone residents not released yet

September 5, 2024

HURFOM: A junta’s regiment consists of about 70 troop had launched a military operation to Shat Pone village, Pu Law Township, Myeik District, Tenasserim Division and arrested five local villagers. The regiment arrested three villagers on August 28, 2024 and other two villagers were arrested on August 29th.

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